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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Never read Jacobin trust me it's for your own mental health
  2. Given the makeup of the courts it's probably why corporate backers of manchinema are ok with putting it in the bill betting that they ultimately won't have to pay the tax
  3. I wonder what are the odds that Thomas has a concurrence while explicitly overturning Roe and Casey that the original intent of the 14th amendment means they meant to ban abortion nationwide
  4. I'm glad that I've started saving cardboard starting a few weeks ago until spring so I can lay down in my yard before mulching and decided against doing it this fall
  5. Every once in a while the libertarian in you just slips right out huh
  6. "Have you seen the TikTok I sent you?" "No I'm busy raising your daughter while you're at 'work'" Is a common conversation in my household
  7. Original thread by the CEO of a logistics company: Can't make this stuff up
  8. Yeah I'm thinking what process is there to make sure every gun only has blanks or whatever? Like I know in heavy industry you have multiple levels of lockout and tag out for getting inside equipment, permitting processes for entering enclosed spaces and the like, I just wonder what film sets have to verify that these are 'safe'
  9. This thought is so foreign to some people, especially here in the US. And because this idea is not embraced it feeds a lot of doomerism! There seems to be an underlying thought that we have reached the "end of history" even while mocking Fukuyama for his book that shares that name.
  10. Loosening the work requirements for minors is all these people can think to do. Kids should be kids and not fucking working until 11 wtf
  11. Funny how American foreign policy is a common thread through all of these organizations. Better not think too much about it!
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