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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. i know you dont want to hear about her but @Commissar SFLUFAN you might not have to for much longer
  2. now that we will soon have a republican governor I can get back to rage posting
  3. a marginal increase in electricity prices isn't making it more expensive to live in the commonwealth, it's our housing and transit policies you dipshit
  4. Syrian civil war - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG ~half of the population was displaced and I'd imagine that something similar would have to occur here it's really hard to see how it is anything other than "not going to happen at all, whatsoever" and, well, what you see above
  5. best part is I could still see the tories winning an election even with this because labour (talking about the uk gotta do it) seems to be complete shit
  6. seems like it's the inverse of unemployment. more unemployment = fewer quits; less unemployment = more quits. adjust this graph to 2005 start for a comparison over 65 employment is flat and 55+ still seems to be increasing. The number 65+ not in the labor force or disability looks to be up a bit (jump during the start of the pandemic) but doesn't look too far off the long term trend of people not in the labor force id imagine that if covid gets better with a job market like this you'd see more 55/65+ back in the workforce, to a point
  7. another 4.2 million quit last month. for the year that means about a quarter of the workforce has quit this past year. I'm guessing there's a few people with more than one jump but not that many. crazy
  8. the US only being doubly as stupid and insane as canada is lower than I expected 56% of this country wants so many things but the 44% with disproportionate influence and power keep it from happening! again! shocking!
  9. true, but this attitude allowed the Bolsheviks to initially seize power so be wary* *there are so many differences that won't allow this exact scenario here but the larger point remains
  10. I hate metaphors. That’s why my favorite book is Moby Dick. No frufu symbolism, just a good simple tale about a man who hates an animal.
  11. Even if we wanted to the half of the country that doesn't give a shit will make sure the effort is a failure
  12. it really is a sight to behold just how poorly the US is managing the pandemic, and there's nothing the government can do to stop it or make it better
  13. sorry terry we're fresh out of open senate seats ahh damn shucks on the bad luck
  14. I think it's pretty safe to say these photos are from a bunch of try hards who need to publicly show fealty to the other chuds that "WE LOVE GUNS" because it's no longer enough to have an A+ voting record from the NRA, now you have to "own the libs" by showing how psychotic you are
  15. the lore of Halo I've always found interesting, so I will probably be disappointed because it will probably suck
  16. (because we have decided this as a political choice it was not predetermined or ordained to be so)
  17. the individual risk of gun ownership is low, like getting a covid infection as a younger person you stand a decent chance of surviving even if unvaccinated or like with driving, but on a societal level the number of guns in homes making having one a very serious driver of household violence just like the number of cars on the road (and VMT) makes deaths by a vehicle one of the leading ways to die for younger people at a societal level
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