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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I think I could count the number of masks I saw this weekend on one hand. It’s over.
  2. He is an intellectual, sir, they don’t just let any idiot run for office right right???
  3. It’s just a subtle jab at the UK calling them European despite their best efforts to not be associated with that lot
  4. Just know this and you’ll save yourself a lot of time: conservatives are always bad and wrong and you don’t “have to give them credit” for a goddamn thing
  5. Fine based on vehicle value works as a bit of a proxy. 1% value of a beater vs 1% value of some coal rollin lifted extended cab truck nuts compensator
  6. Thomas fucking sucks as a jurist, as a person, and his opinions fucking suck too. He is on the court for the sole reason that he was literally the only Black conservative judge around when it came time to replace the fantastic Thurgood Marshall. He deserves no reverence and no honor.
  7. It took two fucking years, but the cops are…retracting an obviously false post on twitter Wow what a gesture of goodwill, right? No it’s because of a federal lawsuit. this is the case where there was a ton of people on their knees near a confederate monument with their hands up and before the mayor imposed curfew that the police launched an absolute fuck load of tear gas this is justice
  8. Because they’ve bought textualism whole cloth like a bunch of morons. It’s a conservative framework that came out of the post Roe world in conservative circles. Without the basis of substantive due process (the basis of Roe) you effectively have no rights, without it is legal formalism and maybe procedural due process where the government can do whatever the hell it wants as long as they do the right paperwork (they can but that should not be the basis of our supposedly free and democratic government). what substantive due process says is that there are some rights that the government cannot regulate, enumerated or not. Taking the 4th, 5th, 9th, and 14th amendments into consideration it is clear to see that there is an unstated right to privacy protected by the constitution. That’s where you get the often criticized penumbras language like it’s some fucking gotcha like we’re subject to an ancient logic puzzle when the people writing this shit didn’t put that much thought into it. Some rights simply aren’t listed, like the right to travel, and the constitution is not a full list of rights, it even says so! buying into the textual or originalist arguments you get to manipulate legislative intent, definitions, common meaning, etc. these strictly speaking will inevitably lead to insane bullshit like the independent legislature theory. Because it can be a logical extension of the text itself and lawyers love that shit. but fortunately you don’t have to listen to that stuff when making a values argument because the law is a fiction, and scotus isn’t a logicians committee. So called legal experts are hacks. What is important is what the law does. And roe did great at protecting privacy and this the right to an abortion just fine. You don’t actually have to hand it to the regressives because the reasoning for overturning roe was irrelevant, it was a political move. Giving cover for so called poor reasoning is the ultimate cuck move.
  9. I’m well aware of the independent state legislature theory. I’ve been mentioning this stuff since before the 2020 election They’ve made no secret of their intent! Because you will see this case come up a lot in the coming years, particularly the dissent from Roberts What is missing (and what I’ve fact checked as false here) from the textual argument from gorsuch is very curious: he doesn’t mention the power of congress to supersede the power of the legislatures. Because for all the textual or originalism it’s all just a power grab.
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