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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. its such an easy win we need to be talking about how the only item either party has majority "too extreme" is the GOP on abortion
  2. I’m honestly surprised that there hasn’t been a “No woke marriage act” which is left ambiguously enough and penalties harsh enough to keep interracial or gay or non binary or whatever couples from getting a marriage license
  3. When I get mad it’s usually because I have to mow the lawn but also lol oz ain’t mowing shit he has “help” for that
  4. Deshithead won’t be the nominee unless trump is 6 feet under sorry guys but in every poll of the gop primary at this point trump has over 50% he’s not losing
  5. Ah yes, remembering how the Ukrainians opened fire on a Russian military base famously starting the war in Ukraine
  6. Impeccable timing, just A+ posting here lmao. let me guess, chin strap facial hair and fucking loves monster energy drinks?
  7. Bro I was gonna be a marine bro until I got a job at the Amazon warehouse bro and I shit you not I swear to god bro I was gonna do it bro even after my woke boss fired me after a week for some bullshit like you aren’t supposed to have some skoal in while working bro they never said I couldn’t I was to good for that job anyway bro. Gotta cig?
  8. For a variety of reasons I don’t see that challenge happening unless and until the right gets a few more wins from the court. i also wouldn’t rule out gorsuch not going along with it because he can be at least aware of historical injustices (think the insular cases and korematsu) but stupidly blind to current ones.
  9. brb gonna go to northern Ireland and find a pub to order a black and tan or irish car bomb then tell them it's actually cultural imperialism when they get mad
  10. don't forget the class of white guys who love to talk about how "they almost joined, but then [reason why they didn't join]"
  11. Job market good -> military recruiting bad Job market bad -> military recruiting good
  12. Re cost of living its because every single state did the same thing California did and only now are the rest of us catching up. We can look into the future and it’s looking a lot like California unless something major changes! And nimby dems aren’t going to help here, nor will republicans (they’re really the same group with regards to housing)
  13. White women are and have been the vanguard of reactionary white supremacy since forever. From before the lies that got Emmett Till lynched to Phyllis Schlafly campaigning against the Equal Rights Amendment to the present day. but writing off all women (or white women in particular) is exactly the same as writing off Florida or Texas because of their reactionaries. But my point is that just because I’m cis white whatever doesn’t mean there’s nothing that won’t affect my life or those whom I care about and that I’d be “just fine” (also pretending that “accessory to an illegal abortion” or other crimes wouldn’t come in place!)
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