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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Trafalgar I always thought was pretty accurate so that is somewhat concerning
  2. There’s little that can make you feel more helpless than massive flooding like that. Seeing images like that reminds me of when I was a kid when the Ohio river flooded the low lying areas of my hometown. It sucks!
  3. Gonna pull the trigger and sell our second car as soon as we get back from Denver
  4. Dealerships need to die because their owned by the landed gentry who vote Republican and run for office as republicans
  5. The one thing I know about Joe manchin is that he fucking hates Mitch
  6. I was originally mocking an actual right wing trope I’ve seen around twitter but ok If your takeaway from my post is “keep doing risky things!” Then I’m sorry but you’re dumb.
  7. Somehow public health authorities kept getting masking guidance wrong early in covid and now are very hellbent on pointing out GAY SEX is what is the primary route of infection here. Absolutely an over correction if I’ve ever seen one.
  8. And the right wing media shut the hell up about it very quickly. It’s a tell. also I called it
  9. The larger concern is putting too much emphasis on the sex and not general close, intimate contact that includes sex. There is a difference in framing that the media and a lot of messaging is missing. The fascists have already turned on gay people as groomers and if significant transmission happens among children (and given that it seems that we’re going on a bad way to not containing this, it’s not something with zero chance of happening) it will result in right wing terrorism directed at the lgbtq community. I’m far more concerned about that than the actual disease.
  10. It’s just the hedonistic queers so there’s nothing to be concerned about if (((they))) get it
  11. Also being Fedsoc members that’s their little social club. These fucking nerds face shunning from their Charles Murray book club if they don’t do the shitty conservative thing. This also affects their speeches and books that they can give (and make bank with no oversight or reporting requirements)
  12. Had my mother in law say that someone she knows has a kid with club feet and “socialized medicine” in Canada wont cover the operation to correct it and all I can think is that she’s not far from the median voter and she’s dumb as shit and gets her information from Facebook. Yes sue that’s why they moved to Florida
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