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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. The time to post bombshell reports is at 6 pm eastern on a Friday the day after you have a hugh scandal everyone knows this, it’s not a time for actual nothing burgers no sir
  2. DNC's Rules & Bylaws cmte APPROVES Biden's 2024 early window primary calendar plan: Feb 3: South Carolina Feb. 6: New Hampshire and Nevada. Feb 13: Georgia Feb. 27: Michigan (2 members in opposition - from IA + NH). dumb
  3. The thing I miss most living south is the lack of snow
  4. I’ll change it when Callista Gingrich posts something spicy 🌶️
  5. “But we sent you some pears and chocolate what more could you want?!”
  6. Did they pull this before or after they announced a “record breaking year” for the company like mine did?
  7. Gonna quiet quit and then some because my company changed its pto policy and I’m losing a day of sick time ill have my time one way or another
  8. The guys voting for a strike but not for sick days are just sick puppies
  9. BREAKING: The Senate voted to 80-15 to force a contract on rail workers. Here are the Senators who voted no: Cotton Cruz Hawley Rubio Rick Scott Toomey Collins Tim Scott Hagerty Gillibrand Merkley Sanders Hickenlooper Warren Sullivan
  10. Republicans will 100% always go to bat for corporations regardless of the politics, especially in a lame duck session
  11. They could do that. As close as the votes were I personally wouldn’t expect some wildcat action but idk
  12. The rogue AZ county certified it’s votes, the Republican is going to congress
  13. You shouldn’t be worried about a debt default. The current senate has previously changed the rules for a carve out so I’m not concerned there and dems need only 5 Rs to sign a discharge petition on the house side. zzzzzz
  14. The dumbest elected body on the planet voted 52-43 in favor of 7 days of paid leave. All dems minus manchin and Cruz, Graham and two more nobody gopers voted in favor but that wasn’t enough to overcome the dumbass filibuster so the sick leave won’t be happening
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