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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. The first two episodes are the best so far but the show is definitely good and is holding my interest. Now I want to read the book.
  2. Working on the backlog, currently playing Dead Rising 4 and Uncharted 4 with a little Farpoint and KOTOR 2 thrown in.
  3. So this is pilot error? How does a pilot fly into the side of a mountain going that fast?
  4. I didn't want to give that thread of this conversation anymore life than it already has been given but, Well said
  5. Harrison Ford crashed a plane in Santa Monica awhile back and walked away from it. He was lucky as hell.
  6. Sounds like she said "Nakers"... like Knicks and Lakers combined. Nothing to see here, move on.
  7. Dude kinda looks like Rick Fox... maybe that's where the Fox rumors came from? EDIT: I just read the part about his wife and daughter being on board... so fuckin' sad.
  8. I was just telling a buddy of mine that the older we get the more and more celebrities of "our" generation are going to start dying and it's going to affect us differently than previous celebrity deaths. Sure we had Prince and Micheal Jackson, but that was more my parents generation... I think my mom and Micheal were the same age. I think these types of events just remind us of our own mortality as we get older.
  9. The irony is I never liked him much either... having just lost someone very close to me recently it's crazy see the race to see "who can be the biggest asshole" on these boards regarding a tragic event like this. But whatever. I just heard about there being nine people on board, do we have anymore news as to who the other people were?
  10. I saw a report saying they were flying using instruments because it was so foggy this morning. So it may have been some form of human error? How safe are helicopters?
  11. Had you said "Accused rapist" I think you would have a stronger leg to stand on. Just say you misspoke and move on and spare me the fucking lecture. This topic isn't about you.
  12. I forgot... it's 2020. Accusation=Guilt... except when it comes to Presidents
  13. BINGO. And nobody gives a shit about the executives, nor should they. Star Wars will rebound as well, except a girl is in charge! Solo sucks? Blame the chick! Fan favorite directors fired for reasons the public doesn't know? Blame the chick! Star Wars TV show is an unexpected hit? Man that Filoni and Favraeu are two brilliant dudes
  14. The Kathleen Kennedy obsession is TRULY a sight to behold... I wonder why the executive in charge of the DCU doesn't get that kind of hate. They DID entrust their whole cinematic universe to Zack Snyder after all.
  15. I'd be curious to hear Shaq's response. I expect it to be appropriately gracious but those two did NOT get along.
  16. Living in LA, my phone has been ringing off the hook from folks out of state since the crash like I knew the guy. I think people that don't live in LA fail to understand how big this city actually is.
  17. Oh ok... I'm getting caught up in the thread backwards So it was Kobe, his daughter, a parent and another child?
  18. Wait, he was flying the Chopper?! FUCK. Did I miss when he was convicted of rape?
  19. Some of you guys really need to get off of the internet and interact with real breathing people every once in awhile. I hope none of his kids were on there with him... him dying is bad enough., Anybody heard anything about Rick Fox being on there with him too?
  20. Reportedly... CNN is reporting the crash but hasn't named Bryant yet.
  21. Yes they were because they had to be. The Country as a whole was just smarter, less distracted by bullshit and more engaged. You only had, what four or five channels back then? You HAD to be engaged in a way that just isn't the same anymore.
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