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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. It’s harder to address people’s real concerns when bigots get to platform bigoted speech via “just asking questions”
  2. Makes fun of Joe Biden and connects with his favorite clown rap group in one speech. He does represent a certain chunk of America for sure
  3. There are shitloads of these services for men with low self esteem too, just gotta get those T levels up bro. I feel like this disinformation cat is really out of the bag, real pandora's box deal. Before the worst shady medical advice that people took in was Dr Oz on Oprah. Now you get these million views per video health influencers telling you to go get some shots from someone who totally went to the Starbucks near Cedars Sinai every day. Social media tried to stamp out COVID disinformation, but that was pretty narrow, going after the rest of medical disinformation seems kind of tough.
  4. That's been happening with a number of the "left behind by the left" types. It made me think of Star Wars Episode 3 where Anakin misjudged the situation, murdered Mace Windu, and then went on to murdering children, because in for a penny in for a pound I guess. The irritating ones are the ones who do the whole "I'm still a liberal, I don't like pollution and believe in single payer" before launching into some bigoted old timey shit.
  5. Well that's a bummer, the sex positivity movement thing led to some good times in my early 30s, this younger generation is going to be insufferable when they hit 40. The teaching the dems a lesson crowd in 2016 were pretty bad. I feel like we're starting to see shades of it again and this time they're up against a known fascist. Maybe they'll chill out once the campaigns get into full swing.
  6. I personally just keep clear of Israel and Palestine stuff in general. There is also nothing on this earth that will make me ever give a shit about what the administration of Harvard does. I'll admit sometimes on social issues I can be a little behind other people sometimes, but I like to think I get there at some point. What kills me about this post-left or whatever you want to call it that these people like Dore, Taibbi, and others is how it seems to be the time the slippery slope isn't just a fallacy. Because man it seems like a lot of them are just "I was progressive, then the left left me behind and now I really don't care for Mexicans and LGBTQ people" edit: Also I think a lot of it are people who are just getting old. Like the comedians who seem angry that a set that killed in a theater tour in 2003 isn't funny now.
  7. I remember reading a while back that TSMC had shit pay and steep work requirements that put a lot of qualified candidates off. Like the pay wasn't great, they had to spend a few months in Taiwan in training, that their work culture is a bit brutal. So with the business growing in the US qualified candidates will just take jobs elsewhere. Whenever a company complains about the shortage of qualified candidates it's almost always the shortage of qualified candidates that will put up with them as an employer. I just got shot down for a new job after going through months of interviews and finally being told by the recruiter that I'm more or less the only candidate they're considering and to expect an offer after some bureaucratic issues are sorted. Got called last week and told that an executive decided to adjust the requirements to require this specific experience that has a learning curve of about 2 hours for someone with the experience I have, that I was no longer being considered for that reason. I got on LinkedIn and saw that a temp agency had posted the same description I'd just gone through the process for at $20,000 less a year on 6 month contract.
  8. Given the title of the thread I'm surprised this hasn't come back up Trump team fires back at claims that ex-president ‘smells’ WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Former president’s body odor was called into question by a former congressman The "fire back" wasn't saying Trump smells lovely by the way, it was more or less "Yeah? Well Kinzinger is an asshole!".
  9. So how long until someone with a “BTC4LF” vanity plate has to be winched out of a tangled riverbank?
  10. I never even saw the point in the whole discussion, what was the end game? Did republicans want to give Walgreens managers the right to gun down shoplifters? Was it simply so politicians could bitch about liberal run cities… while ignoring the high crime small towns that still lock up the soap. Also for the record if I have to get an employee to unlock a cabinet so I can get deodorant, I shop somewhere else.
  11. Today was apparently gay porn hall pass day for conservatives on twitter. Some Democratic staffer got banged in a Senate hearing room and they got to post pics.
  12. Is Musk going to pay off the 85 million dollar settlement offer for Jones? He lost the company 75 million dollars in a little over a month by simply endorsing a single neo-Nazi post. Jones has a judgement for slandering the parents of murdered kids. Something Musk apparently cared about a short year ago
  13. I guess that jobs report means that economists will talk about more "tough love" for people.
  14. There's been this weird pile of whataboutism surrounding his ouster from the goofy sides of the House along with a chunk of the right.
  15. There is a barred owl that hangs out in the trees across the street all summer here that I've thought about ending. Not really, I couldn't kill anything, but it can be annoying, that same sequence of hoots all night.
  16. I kind of wonder if it's the destruction of the entry level job. I started my white collar career as a clerk, I had to be the person to manage the amalgamation of trash and hellfire that was the Xerox Workcentre along with the shitty "Only works in IE6" data warehouse for my department. Thanks to automation clerical work and data entry aren't really as prevalent as they once were so there's no real onramp to develop the soft skills of the modern workplace. It also could just be journalists looking for a story, I've run into plenty of people in the middle or latter part of their careers who learned how to set up a meeting in Outlook from me for the first time.
  17. Fuck printers, if a third of the population can't figure out how they work then maybe Cannon and Xerox will update the UI that they paid a retiree $50 to create in 1997. Those things cost like $25,000 a piece, their primary job is to melt black powder on paper and they can and will fail at that spectacularly and often. I was a clerk 2011-2012 and I don't blame anyone for not knowing how to make their way through the nested shitpile of menus to do basic things that make up the office document center. It was a joke 24 years ago in Office Space "PC load letter, what the fuck does that mean?" and those overpriced piles of garbage haven't gotten better. Them falling for scams more is a bummer though, is there like a curve for that where boomers get scammed online, Gen X and millenials do better, then zoomers loop back around to being susceptible?
  18. Those are a couple tasks that I feel like not everyone needs to know. I write like 3 checks a year max and the only people I've seen use a fax machine in the last decade or so is the medical industry. Like we sent and received faxes of medical records at my time at anthem, but even then we used a cloud fax service on our end. As far as the topic goes, teaching math is hard. In school it's just drills of concepts that they don't connect to the reality everyone lives in. I assume the degredation of reading comes from the fact everything now is absorbed in short bites.
  19. My little Ranger had the spare slung underneath, trucks meant for work are probably going to pick up a nail or screw at some point, so having a spare tire is nifty. Of course trucks meant for work would also be able to take a bed toolbox. Just like the trucker's friend, the Tesla Semi and its goofy center cabin seat, gonna be able to hand that paperwork to the guard shack nice and easy, after you stand up and bend through the window
  20. There are parking lots filled with enormous trucks in pristine condition here in Ohio and most of them aren't used for work. There is certainly a cultural thing around big trucks in the US that's disconnected from any utility, especially out here in the middle of the country.
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