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Everything posted by Demut

  1. Oh, alright then. But don't we already have that already in principle? Even current self-driving software has the goal of getting from point A to point B (while meeting a bunch of criteria such as not hitting shit). And it can choose between a lot of options from a vast decision tree to bring about that goal. Seems to me like the level of intelligence is the only major difference left.
  2. Didn't see a thread for this kind of content yet so here goes: Apparently Araki plans do keep drawing JoJo until he dies. Part 9 released today and for some reason it features power-tripping police, the Coof, a tranny and sexual harassment, all in the very first chapter. Sounds like Araki might've spend a bit too much time on Twitter during the most recent hiatus. Anyhow, I'm not too sure I'll follow this actively. I'll probably read it should it ever be completed but unless this has a consistent weekly release schedule I can't be arsed to add yet another title to the 80+ ongoing manga that I'm trying to keep track of.
  3. Am I the only one for whom these embeds don't work? I keep seeing strings like FpDQDeWaMAASQqR?format=jpg&name=small instead, even from users who should know better (e.g. SFLUFAN ).
  4. I don't get people who voluntarily spoil stuff like that for themselves. Anyway, I hope they improved upon some of the weaker aspects of part 1 of Dark Souls lite but in the Star Wars universe. For instance, combat became way too easy once you unlocked some of the later upgrades. Maybe that was intentional but it made the game more boring than it would have otherwise been.
  5. Tom Scott is scared of something, big surprise. Why would you want them to have agency beyond "follow this or that command"? Unless you mean something different from "has terminal goals of its own that it tries to fulfill".
  6. Nah, it blew up because it's emblematic of a deeper issue, namely corporate malfeasance. The "Here's $25k for the lot of ya, be glad we're offering you anything at all, you fucking peons" move by a multibillion dollar company and media/politics collusion running interference for them was just the cherry on top. It's similar to one random incident of police brutality out of hundreds blowing up because it (at least seemed to) illustrate an underlying problem that has yet to be comprehensively addressed.
  7. Call me crazy but if the majority of the developed world went with option B over option A for the past half-century+, chances are that option B is the more sensible one. See also socialized healthcare, gun proliferation or corporate money in politics. And it's especially weird to hear "But it's more expensive!" as the reason given by the nominally richest country on Earth (and probably in history). Also, it seems to me that the majority of these downsides apply to things like water, sewage and gas pipelines, too. Do those typically run above ground in the U.S. as well? Oh and I hope your insurance covers that and/or it's cheap to fix, GB.
  8. And that's why it's a bad idea for city planners (or whoever makes that decision) to put power lines above ground just to save a buck or two.
  9. Fine, I guess 2023 D1P's too small for two such threads then so feel free to lock/delete this one.
  10. Also, seems like an easy fix: Block Musk. Why would people who've got an issue with the guy not already have done so by now?
  11. I'm just pointing out that you still have the option to "tell people to shut the fuck up" on Twitter.
  12. No doubt. For all I know they might even be selling it at or below cost already and there's more expensive differences than just the storage between those models.
  13. I wonder how true that is. I've read the allegation that the decision to burn shit was made because it was the cheapest and fastest option to get that route usable again. Pretty fucked if factual (and hardly outside the realm of possibility when talking about corporations).
  14. For what it's worth, they did make the first billion-something interest payment a while ago at least. You can still, y'know, block people for whatever reason you want. Musk himself uses that function pretty liberally, I'm told.
  15. Popular sentiment buuut since we're the ones who bred them into existence in the first place ...
  16. So why does barely anyone actually ever do so? Anyway ... I know it's not exactly the season anymore but man, I recently stumbled across this Christmas carol called Добрий вечір тобі пане господарю (in some war-related video) and man, those Ukrainians sure came up with some bangers: Carol of the Bells, for example, is based one of their songs, too, apparently.
  17. I'm asking why Valve would be so hell-bent on making a killing on the Steam Decks themselves. Their bread and butter is that quasi-monopoly on vidya distribution and selling the Steam Deck for cheap(ish) like other console manufacturers would be a no-brainer if their goal is to get some of that sweet, sweet handheld gaming pie. To that end they could even sell them at a loss, probably, and it'd still be a good idea (let alone simply pricing it fairly or even selling them at-cost).
  18. Well, I imagine by "trending towards breakeven" they're not talking about having become debt-free. As for him outright lying, wouldn't that get him into legal doo-doo with his shareholders? ... which would make it all the more remarkable if it turned out to be the case, is my point. As for the engagement numbers, were they public before? Or did you mean the company itself when you said "private"?
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