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Everything posted by Demut

  1. Well, that explains it to some degree. I multi-task like that to some extent when it comes to manga but there, too, I run into the limits of my working memory pretty quickly which leads me to frequently have to reread entire fucking series because I'm just so lost on where I last left of. This is especially bad when it comes to stuff that isn't published weekly or not even monthly.
  2. Is my memory that bad or is this not a position that you had ~10 years ago? I thought you kinda LARP'd as the opposite previously. Or did I conjure up that whole tongue-in-cheek "your friendly neighborhood fascist" title from back in the day in a fever dream?
  3. I don't get people who can play multiple singleplayer games at once. I have trouble enough following one story at a time, let alone several of them. I'll have forgotten half the plot of game A by the time I put down game B. Multiplayer games are a different story, obviously, since they generally don't have one (excluding co-op games). Right now I play ~3 on a daily basis, that being PUBG, CRSED and Riichi City.
  4. The only time that I can remember entering what I think was a flow state was when I listened to this on a loop in the background for the first time. What a magnificent composition. Arvo Pärt - Fratres
  5. Agreed when it comes to the far-right. However, honestly, so should left wing Germans given that their crimes are far more recent historically (cf. the GDR) and were never properly accounted for unlike with Nazis (like the Nuremberg Trials, denazification efforts and so on). The fucking SED continues to be in parliament to this fucking day, just under a different name. That'd be like having the actual NSDAP in parliament today after them just saying "Oops, we definitely screwed up ... partially. Here, to show our sincerity we'll slightly modify our name and keep only SOME of our positions in our political program. All good, right?". What's wrong with bringing up the Twitter Files? Is it just the U.S. progressive mantra of "Lalalalala, nothing to see here, lalalala" or something more substantial? 'Cause I can tell you that at least outside of the idiotic partisan bubble that is American politics, people are taking note of the revelations published in them. Like how Twitter leadership shat their pants and removed Trump for reasons that they even internally acknowledged were harebrained but was fine with foreign heads of state using Twitter to literally call for GENOCIDE and not doing a fucking thing to them. Quite the double standard, that. Or how they kowtowed to the intelligence agencies and even regular politicians to arbitrarily remove users, tweets and entire subjects.
  6. Yikes, that sounds mighty patronizing. Right in line with the self-proclaimed intelligentsia that patted themselves on the back for "fortifying" the election, actually. Huh, so the issue is that his "platform"/reach is too big? That's another bizarre take from where I'm standing, especially considering the point I raised earlier regarding Twitter's previous heads. It's not like the reach changed (unless Musk's claims about increased engagement number are true), just what is being spread. And it's not like they were all about neutral, factual information back then. See, if this is even just half serious it just seems deranged to me. He's a cocky asshole who throws tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants (like the plane tracker) or someone shits on him (cf. the submarine thing) but to develop legit hatred over something so comparatively benign is crazy to me. Well, remember, you have me blocked, dummy, so even if I were to answer it's not like you COULD hear it.
  7. It's pretty wild to see CitizenVectron et al. living in a parallel reality where I do all these outrageous things. I wonder if me calling him out on that previously is what made him block me, hard to come out and say "I don't actually have examples of you doing any of these hyperbolic things", after all. Right, your argument why it wasn't is that he might eventually reverse the block. To which, in response, I pointed out how, unless it happens automatically immediately after, it still is a solution, just not a permanent one. To use a somewhat odd comparison: If you like not having a beard then one solution is shaving it regularly, even if it grows back. Shaving doesn't stop being a solution to the problem "having a beard" just because it's not permanent like something such as follicle removal would be. You never addressed this objection.
  8. If all this "forcing" amounts to him putting his tweets in your Twitter feed which, again, can be fairly easily addressed by just blocking him then no, I don't see why this is much of a problem. The comparisons also assume that he is acting maliciously whereas in reality he may (even accidentally or for the "wrong" reasons) have it right more often than not, thereby leading to a net benefit. Again, uncovering and publishing the rot previously present in Twitter is one such example. Used to be that whistleblowing was applauded on this board, I wonder what happened. I don't know if you just think that before his acquisition Twitter was some sort of neutral platform there for the betterment of all mankind or something but as I said previously, at least from the way it looks like to me even if Musk were as biased as the previous leadership (which doesn't seem to be the case) then at most this change would present a shift in the direction of Twitter's partisanship, not a fundamental change from liberty to tyranny or whatever.
  9. Um, yeah, to which I responded by asking why it wasn't a solution. You then talked about "the larger social problem he’s presenting" which I asked you to elaborate on since I have no clue what you meant by that. But if that's "changing the topic" and you don't wanna explain yourself I guess that's that then.
  10. I mean ... I'm not sure if it's a win if my arguments aren't being addressed and all responses consist of shitposts. But no, I don't, since occasionally I just get it plain wrong (most recently in regard to the Columbine massacre in that mass shooting thread). How him owning Twitter makes it worse than before. At MOST I see it as him continuing Twitter's usual fuckery in his own way. You've surely followed the release of the Twitter Files, right? Twitter's previous leadership was as partisan and biased as Musk if not more. And at least Musk isn't colluding with (or rather being subservient to) the fucking intelligence apparatus. More than that, he seems dedicated to a modicum of transparency if nothing else (albeit perhaps only as far as it suits him).
  11. I was referring to "the larger social problem [Musk]'s presenting", legend, not what's wrong with social media in general.
  12. Not what was being argued. Yeah, I imagine backtalk in a safe-space tends to be a downer for those inhabiting it who are no longer used to it. Go figure. Say more.
  13. I mean ... not that it absolves the Republicans but isn't this partially true? Especially in cases where this lends credence to the uniparty concept, with the Reps playing the fall guy and passing corporate-friendly legislation while the Dems criticize it at the time but don't do anything to undo it once they're in power again. The whole railroad worker strike saga a while ago shows that labor rights aren't really on either party's list of priorities.
  14. Are fed jobs generally better paying/cushier in the U.S.? Here (depending on the industry, of course) private industry usually pays better and the "only" benefit that comes with gubbermint jobs is job security.
  15. I probably did not phrase this clearly enough. I was responding to the latter half of your sentence (i.e. about the best of AI tech's agency paling in comparison to human's).
  16. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good manga but I feel like kinda cheapens the entire story up to that point.
  17. Not really. Unless this is a thing that happens immediately, you'll still have several days (weeks, months?) "peace". A solution doesn't stop being a solution just because it doesn't last for literally eternity.
  18. The "Standard" option under the privacy settings is the one that was active. I tried setting it to custom and unchecking everything and that fixed it so now the image gets displayed correctly.
  19. Sure but isn't that a function of their lack of intelligence rather than "agency"? It just seems to me like "agency" as previously defined is a very fundamental and also comparatively easy box to check. Even something like a thermostat probably fulfills it.
  20. Personally, I think the wanton killing of civilians is worse but child kidnapping certainly ranks up there (especially given R*ssians' proclivity for child rape; seriously, look up global stats for that).
  21. It is though. Don't wanna see his takes? Block him. Boom, done. As for that whole block reversal thing, it's certainly plausible given these news (assuming they're true at least) that it happens. But since we've had reports of this kind of thing happening for years it might just be Twitter's shitty code doing what it is wont to do.
  22. Not that I know of. This is pretty much a fresh Firefox install. It doesn't even have an adblocker add-on yet.
  23. I think it was some time last year that I started reading is*kai (despite the vast, vast majority of them being complete, utter, irredeemable garbage) simply to kill some time. Can't say I'm glad to have made that decision. Now they clog up my feed and half the time I don't even end up reading the latest chapter because I've more or less forgotten their story in the meantime. There's a few good ones here and there such as The Wolf Won't Sleep but the Nips with their eternally shit taste had that cancelled, of course. On a different note, more recently I got into Nihei's work. I had heard of BLAME and its unusual setting (both plot- and art-wise) many years ago, naturally, but never actually read it until now. I also did not know that he was such a prolific artist and put out this many other manga. While I definitely enjoy his work overall, they all feel strangely melancholic so far, even when there's a supposedly happy ending. Maybe melancholic is even too upbeat of a word. Depressing is only a slightly too strong.
  24. @JasonPointing out a simple fix to a silly "problem" is shielding Musk from "valid criticism"? MDS is real, I guess.
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