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Everything posted by TUFKAK

  1. Considering what she’s endured by his own admission already I doubt it.
  2. That invisible hand is a site to see in action.
  3. In my city that’s called a party.
  4. I had started to figure it out before it became knowledge. I’d have a story apoc would have the same etc. Also half a decade ago now, I’ve had a lot more important things happen in my life in that time. aka, legit do not care.
  5. Does this mean 9/11 is funny now? like when a certain Subway spokesman got aides?
  6. Especially since you know you only brought one damn lancet with you.
  7. Bad thing about getting old. i can’t tell if these symptoms are age related to me not being able to handle depletion training and competition like volume as I used to or actual neuro/cardiovascular symptoms I should get evaled for. 😂
  8. There’s a large portion of MD that is maga country. It’s not all just Bmore and Anne Arundel. A lot of my coworkers back before I left were of that persuasion in both Bmore and Fort Washington.
  9. Ah, Buena Park how I miss you.
  10. Yeah, this. The union rep in me can’t help but just toss my hands over this one.
  11. The next 20 years in this country is gonna be something to behold. the most dangerous cohort in any society are young unattached men and America is just churning them out now like it’s a five for five sale at Luckys. Deaths of despair is just one way this manifests. While it’s not just men dying of this obviously, anecdotally they are who I treat primarily in my ED.
  12. Despite all the failures of my nation, of which there are many, to the point where a marine is openly anti American, I still recognize we’re better than Europe on this topic. By far. The shit we’ve endured in Europe is far worse than what we’ve dealt with in the US. So I bring her up because she’s the only way a cis straight white man could ever understand the struggle. It’s become visceral for me with her.
  13. Guess I shouldn’t travel with her because racist euro trash has an issue with her existence get bent
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