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Everything posted by unogueen

  1. Pretty sure more people have died live during a hockey game than football.
  2. That's the best part tho. It's a callback to broodwar when no one at Blizzard expected players to play the game like it eventually became.
  3. Leading with a carrot on a stick. natch
  4. I have better things to do than torment an already miserable creature. Besides you.
  5. Why would I be allowed on the horse. I'm not some 90lbs jockey and would probably be shot dead for trying.
  6. Back in the old days an acquaintance reached out to me to offer me an opportunity to help out during hay season at a horse farm. I was broken and hungry so it took it. The following was the most excruciating job I'd ever done. But that doesn't matter. These were race horses. Worth about as much as a starter plane to start. And horses of course are all about running and wandering. That's why we had them spend 20 hours a day in a pen, nodding their heads as they slowly went insane. Weaning meant separating mother from foal overnight. Their only freedom was a slow automated turnstyle for a brief moment every day. They ran because they were afraid. They ran fast because they were very afraid. That is the value of labour.
  7. All this bitching about sportswashing what the fuck is hollywood
  8. You don't think India and China have problems? Fucking Iran? This isn't about the lesser evil. I thought competition was a good thing. Nevertheless the water wars will be interesting with the largest questionable opinion at the helm.
  9. Future fossil fuel deserves no dignity.
  10. All this universe to be the only ones and we're not even in the centre, not even close. So if there is design we are nowhere near understanding it. And if you consider the moral argument you can offload most of that logic to try not to get your ass kicked.
  11. We need more stories like yours. There are no words enough.
  12. There's a joy to misery. Don't ask for what's lacking, ask for what's missing. Mentality is very important and momentum is very real.
  13. To be serious and fair it has degrees. In late stage nazism, Jewish hairs were used to stuff bedding. And human lampshades were a preoccupation of the elite. The chattel slavery of African Americans is a horror far deeper than that. The message is don't share the misery. Many cannot even fathom.
  14. If you need god, you're a simp.
  15. This is not to diminish @Kamusha. The opposite. A difference in opinion is something you can walk away from.
  16. There's a poverty to the word empathy these days. In nursing, it's part of the backbone doctrine that allows a regular mook to dig arm deep into a constipated patient to clear an obstruction, to cause pain by attaching catheters and intubing. It refers to not understanding the emotional state, that's actually sympathy. But realize and understand the lived experience that creates the situation.
  17. I would allow one reincarnation and one eternity. To return Thatcher to earth and be encased by in a plexiglass cage just big enough to keep her standing, but not supporting for eternity.
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