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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. If you give Musk your credit card info than you should instantly be given a court-appointed caretaker because you obviously lack the logical faculties to make decisions on your own.
  2. Eagles $300 1. Dolphins TD 2. Hurts 3. Tyreek Hill 4. Colts (low), Bills (high) 5. Denver, Washington, Cleveland
  3. Yup. No one cares that much about the Chargers, not even the players’ spouses or mothers.
  4. Sex creep, delusions of grandeur, and wacko religious beliefs: pretty standard American conservative.
  5. Giants have a right to be pissed about that, but they shouldn’t have putzed around at the end of the first half. If they hadn’t wasted time then and gotten a field goal…
  6. That is something that’s gonna stay in my guts for awhile. The book is a mix of prose and poetry, telling the story of Billy from his point of view. The violence is deeply visceral—some of the most disturbing passages I’ve ever read—while the moments of calm can be just as neatly serene. I read a Kindle version but I think I’ll need to get a print version someday that I can mark up. I started Ride the Pink Horse, by Dorothy B. Hughes. It’s supposed to be a classic crime/noir story.
  7. Chuds think a 15 minute city means "Airstrip One," when really all it means is that you can walk to the grocery store.
  8. For me it's sports. A lot of the sports guys I like aren't there yet. It's so bad. Every ad is for some crypto scam or NFT garbage. Every blue check is a braindead moron. It sucks.
  9. I might have said in last week’s thread that Russ was looking better…I hereby retract that statement. Yeeesh. Playing like dog ass.
  10. Ravens $300 1. Ravens TD 2. Lamar 3. Kenneth Walker 4. Under 5. Minnesota, Seattle, Tampa
  11. Quite enjoyed that bio. It put a lot of things on my watchlist, gotta see if so can find a copy of Noon Wine. I really have no idea how Peckinpah managed to make any movies with how he treated studios and how they treated him (not to mention his own addiction issues). I know The Wild Bunch is his masterpiece, but I still maintain that Pat Garret and Billy the Kid is truly his best. It is a perfect eulogy and coda to the West, not just the West as a time and place, but also an elegy to the genre. I started The Collected Works of Billy the Kid, by Michael Ondaatje.
  12. People expected BILL WATTERSON to have a Calvin and Hobbes Cinematic Universe????
  13. The most unbelievable part of that story is that he has a family member still in contact with him.
  14. Russ has been pretty good this year, but that defense is so bad. Payton talked a ton of shit this offseason and has not been able to back it up at all.
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