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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Yes, 3 years for men, 2 years for women. They're allowed to do civil service instead in some instances, but the vast majority just do their conscription. IIRC, they also get some basic firearms training in high school (final year prior to conscription). So, basically, like 90%+ of Israeli's have (at least basic) firearms training.
  2. Spork3245

    I mean,

    Seems like the place for this, idk
  3. Sounds on par for British map makers of the time EDIT: Realized I meant but forgot to state in my post that it was a garbage offer and I don’t blame the Palestinians for not taking that offer.
  4. The tagging of Jason is what made this a thread of the year candidate
  5. I don’t disagree (a two state solution is basically a fantasy), but I want to clarify that my comment was regarding now, not when colonial powers (mostly the British) decided to draw imaginary lines on maps and completely buttfuck the Middle East. If land was carved out of Germany instead (since Israel’s creation was in response to the end of WWII and the holocaust), maybe things would be different, but world powers of the time wanted to give the biblical holy land (and also probably didn’t want to give up European land). There were Jewish settlements in that region already, and, if I’m remembering my high school history classes correctly, a two state solution was initially offered by the British map line drawers in 1946/1947 but the Palestinians rejected it (and no, I’m not saying the Palestinian’s are to blame), and the (now) Israelis slowly gained control of more of the area via fighting. My question is now, in 2023, where do these “free Palestine” people want the Israelis to go? I’ve noticed it’s typically no actual answer from these people, or they low-key support genocide.
  6. Colonialism is bad, but it’s been over 75 years, like, where the F do you want the Israeli’s to go? Every country surrounding them thinks they don’t have a right to exist, and not just as a country but as people. Palestinian cartoons for children literally have antagonists as stereotypical Jews with horns and clawed hands and claim to eat children’s hearts. Like jfc, Israel provides Palestine with water, electricity, etc. (and, no, I’m not saying that makes any action by Israel okay ffs). I do not support Israel further expanding into land where Palestinian’s already are living, but to fucking be “loling” a situation (or passive aggressively supporting fucking hamas’ actions (no one here btw)) where 700+ people are dead and many Israeli women and children have been literally kidnapped having god knows fucking what being done to them, is some next level “please go jump in front of a fucking bus” type shit.
  7. Ah, I didn’t follow up after the early report prior to it being official. Supposedly it’s for more money than the Fox deal was for (which was an insane amount), there are additional rumors that Smackdown might jump to 3 hours (please no) and that Raw might move elsewhere.
  8. There are… other ways… Semi-related, there are rumors that Fox isn’t renewing their Smackdown contract and it’s going back to USA/Syfy
  9. There’s calls in Israel to arm all citizens: as it stands, to have a gun in Israel, (to my understanding) you must either work some type of security, be some type of law enforcement, or be active or reservist military.
  10. CM Punk and Jack Perry to star in reboot of Total Divas WWW.KAYFABENEWS.COM Fans of the long-running “reality” program Total Divas are abuzz today after the announcement that the series will return starring two of the biggest divas in wrestling today, CM Punk and Jack...
  11. Oh, nvm, I was thinking of their AM4 motherboard which was very lackluster for the asking price. It looks like NZXT stepped their game up for AM5 - for me, my only concerns would be CS and support as NZXT isn’t exactly known for motherboards yet, and only having 3x m.2s (but I’m a data hoarder ). Then you’ll need another key, either for your new build or previous build. If you want most of your current settings/wallpaper/etc to carry over to your new build instantly, then use your current key for the new build and buy/“obtain” a new key for your old build when/if you set it up as a emu-pc/htpc. I just didn’t want you to end up buying GDDR modules off of aliexpress or something
  12. That motherboard seems kind of overpriced for what it is. Are you getting it solely for the aesthetics? RAM (DDR5, not GDDR btw: GDDR is graphics card RAM) quality definitely matters, get a reputable brand and not their bottom-bin. Corsair Vengeance or Dominantor, Kingston Fury, G.Skill Trident, etc. You do not need a new Windows key, your current should carry over to a new build, but you’ll want to do a fresh install (and deactivate your current pc prior to setting up your new build).
  13. Just spoke with a friend of mind in Israel, he tried to reenlist but they wouldn’t take him since he’s 50 (he was special forces: airborne). Said there’s over 1000 Israeli’s injured and Hamas has taken a lot of hostages (women, children, elderly). He thinks by tomorrow morning that Gaza is going to be on it’s knees.
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