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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. That’s good, because then the zombie outbreak will only happen either east OR west of the Mississippi instead of all over.
  2. Did anyone else see this movie? Impressions? Looks like it's coming to streaming tomorrow. The reviews are telling me to save my money, but on the other hand, there's nothing else to watch!
  3. They could just put a plaque on him that says “he was actually bad” Sorry, it’s just this idea of “keep the monuments but put context” doesn’t work. Monuments are to glorify, and these people shouldn’t be glorified. As @Keyser_Sozestated, the remembrance should be focused on those who were tortured to make sure such things do not happen again, not on those who did the heinous acts.
  4. Witcher 3, Ghosts of Tsushima, God of War(4), TLOU2, Spider-Man PS4, FF7:R, etc - too many of my favorite games in over a decade existed this gen for me to choose last gen. That’s not to say last-gen wasn’t great as well, however, but the games of this generation just feel better refined, and a lot of that had to do with the superior hardware which allowed it, IMO. Looking forward to what the next gen brings
  5. Yea, there’s this weird thing with early HDR TVs, similar to what HDR PC monitors are currently going through; there wasn’t any real “standard” for HDR yet, so TVs that weren’t actually capable of displaying the proper nits of brightness for HDR content would attempt to still show it and it just created a washed-out garbage image. It’s why Dolby Vision is so important as there are standards that have to be met (same with HDR10+... even though it’s worthless since barely anything supports the format and DV is superior looking anyway ). With PC monitors, there’s one board attempting to do a certification process, but basically every maker just ignores them, then there’s nVidia and their certification process for HDR on a GSYNC monitor which gives real HDR10(HDR1000), which, currently, only 3-4 monitors actually meet the certification standards for. With OLEDs, as long as you have a 2019 C9 or better you should have full HDMI 2.1 feature support as long as you have the newest firmware from a couple of weeks ago. Samsung’s QLEDs are good to go as well, but Samsung’s refusal to support Dolby Vision in lieu of their HDR10+ (which, again, has virtually no support and is more-or-less DOA), makes them hard to recommend and is the biggest reason why I went OLED. The 2020 Q and P series from Vizio are also full HDMI 2.1, afaik. The newest Sony TVs will, eventually, be 100% ready too, but currently lack VRR because Sony doesn’t want to release the update for it until they do the PS5 update for it
  6. “What Biden wants is counterproductive and unconstitutional... also, he’s just copying what we did!”
  7. Yes, I’m not saying SM was being played off an external, merely that an external hdd being plugged in is the catalyst: this error, and the error I previously posted about, both state that it needs to “repair your external drive” prior to the system bricking. How could it need to “repair your external drive” if you don’t have one plugged in? Seems like this has to do with external drives being plugged in causing some type of glitch (regardless as to whether or not the game being played is located on said external drive).
  8. Hmmm, going by the article it seems to happen only when there’s an external hdd plugged in as well (unless I’m misunderstanding the error message). May be best to just leave any external drives unplugged from your PS5 until this is resolved? There’s also been reports of bricked consoles from simply playing BC games off of an external hdd.
  9. There’s nothing to debate because there’s literally no issues I’m telling you this so you don’t have to worry about missing out or whatever on next years models
  10. I’m not watching a YouTube video What was posted in that other thread was regarding the issues with receivers. The LG issue was patched via firmware awhile ago. There’s no reason to hold off on an HDMI 2.1 TV unless you’re waiting for a sale.
  11. Can you link? I’m not sure why unless they’re expecting price drops. HDMI 2.1 = HDMI 2.1, just double check specs to make sure it has all the feature sets, but I’m not aware of any that are only “partial” or whatever - the things with issues right now are receivers afaik, and it has to do with a faulty chip.
  12. I didn’t say he should be offered them. Just open up packages, eat a handful, drop the rest on the floor, move on.
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