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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. My guess is that her "role" is akin to that of an executive producer on a TV show: barely anything. It's just to piss off Trump. He should put Hunter on his transition team to, the MAGA-chuds would explode.
  2. That’s simply not true when the hardware to achieve the effect is being emulated. GeForce 2 required software calculations for pixel/vertex shader effects. I am not stating this is always the case.
  3. Yea, that’s completely my argument: this isn’t going far enough in its current form. 100% shutdown from 10:01-4:59 would be the better thing to do is what I’m saying.
  4. Yes, saying “nobody” which infers absolute 100% is hyperbolic, completely. And they aren’t shutting down nightlife considering outside after 10pm is still fine, even in enclosed tents.
  5. I guess my argument is that it should be eliminated completely and not from 10:01-4:59 as it’s not going to affect much, especially considering the enclosed + heated tents. I also thought that the rule in NJ was that you couldn’t just order drinks anyway and had to get food as well - or is that just NY?
  6. The calculations are not being done through hardware, though. It’s a fairly big distinction, IMO.
  7. “Nobody” is extremely hyperbolic. It depends on the business. The few times I’ve been in places since indoor dining was reopened (to pickup takeout) the bar stools were all 6+ feet apart and even had Xs made from tape on the floor. It’s obviously anecdotal for both of us, but I’m not seeing this restriction affecting much in its current form given that these people who are breaking rules inside will continue to break them in these heated tents outside.
  8. Where do you usually sell it? Thanks, now I feel like a shitbag for selling mine. You’re a good guy
  9. GeForce 2 could brute force pixel and vertex shaders, but I would not consider it to have the hardware for it. Another example is ray-tracing on pre-2xxx series GPUs, it was very possible (and even modded in to older games like Q3A), but without dedicated hardware in the GPUs it cannot be considered “hardware ray-tracing” as the calculations were done via software to then run through said hardware.
  10. They’re still allowed to be outside in those tent-things. Bar seating was six-feet apart anyway.
  11. Nevada has a lot of pawn shops if you were planning on selling it for game/accessory money
  12. At the time of the Xbone launch there were a ton of 360 games that weren’t BC and zero OG XBOX games were BC. By the time those were added to the Xbone, it didn’t make sense to sell a 360 for $50. This BC is happening on day 1.
  13. I just asked this in the XSX thread, but figured it could be it’s own thread. What are you planning to do with your old console(s)? Personally, I usually keep my old consoles, BUT, with XSX and PS5 both being (almost) completely BC, I don’t see the point in keeping them. I know I could get more via eBay or whatever, but trading them in at GameSpot seems like the best option for convenience sake (I think an X and Pro are about $175 each for trade-in value - on eBay, after fees and shipping I might get an extra $50 each) and just using the store credit for PSN/Xbox/Steam cards and/or extra controllers/accessories. My PS4 Pro actually has PT on it, and I know that ups the value on eBay considerably, but, I think I’d also have to give the buyer my PSN account for them to be able to play it, correct? Anyway, what is everyone else doing?
  14. Normally I keep my old consoles too, but with the (nearly) 100% BC for XSX and PS5, it just seems silly to keep them now when I could potentially get ~$350 store credit for the two of them. I do have PT on my PS4 Pro’s hdd, but I don’t think I’ll ever have the urge to play it. Plus, while the value for a system with PT is higher on eBay, I’m pretty sure I’d have to also give them my PSN account to be able to play it
  15. Tricky question. This isn’t regarding the first system to have a 3D game, it’s regarding the first system to have hardware for 3D.
  16. I just really want to say how fucking stupid the new “restrictions” in NJ are. Indoor dining has to end by 10pm and can’t reopen until 5am... just... jfc: how fucking many people were eating out between 10:01pm-4:59am? How is this actually going to affect the soaring infection rates in NJ in any meaningful way? What the actual fuck. It’d be one thing if that was on top of other restrictions to help slow the infections down, but it’s not - this is literally the only thing put into place and it’s just really REALLY dumb.
  17. What is everyone doing with their current Xbone/XboneX? I’m debating on trading it in at GameStop -I know I’d get more on eBay but it’s a lot more convenient to just bring it to GS and get store credit than going through the hassle on eBay. I’ll also trade in the kinect, I guess.
  18. That Four Seasons Total Landscaping debacle is already a VRChat hangout for furries | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM The Trump campaign's accidental press conference site has now been immortalized in VR.
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