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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I’d personally rather have multiple smaller HDDs. Having that much data on a single HDD that could fail would scare the hell out of me.
  2. So, basically: 14-days is better and should probably still be the standard, but no one's currently listening, so if we drop it to 7-10 days maybe people will listen. ...is that the jist?
  3. Am I the only one who watched this? It’s seriously and surprisingly good! It spoofs on the original while simultaneously paying homage to it, and, IMO, is a lot better than the OG. The target demo seems to be adults who watched the original as kids/teens.
  4. Surprisingly, I didn’t buy anything. My fiancé got some Christmas presents for her nephews: Vader Immortal Trilogy + Robo Recall for the ones Quest 2, and NBA 2k21 for her other nephew.
  5. Robbinsville school district switched to 100% remote last week, actually. I’m unsure if this is for all of Mercer County.
  6. The tracing in Europe hasn't been politicized like it has here (not to mention masks), so the ones that focused on Europe as whole without the US didn't quell my concerns. EDIT: Clarification; the breakdown of beyond contact tracing in the kged link is what helps.
  7. That article makes more sense with info coming from non-idiot countries like ours and is what I was looking for. My issue was with the data potentially being skewed via what I stated: lack of cooperation with contact tracers as well as ridiculously different standards for testing with children under a certain age (on top of not notifying anyone of a positive case within the school if the child wasn't there within 72-hours of a positive test).
  8. Not really, but kinda. The $300 is the one Trump did the executive order for, it only provided 6-weeks (August through mid-September) and drained FEMA funds.
  9. Read my giant post above from 4-hours ago. Murphy stated, just yesterday, cooperation is below 70%.
  10. That's kind of the issue, though, right? Kids have very little symptoms, and they are spreading it. There's, again, also the issue of the vast majority of people not cooperating with contact tracers, and incredibly weird "rules" (at least in NJ and PA) in regards to testing children and even notifying others if a child comes down with the virus while attending school, which all potentially skews the data of where outbreaks/cases are actually stemming from.
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