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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Lol take a look at the average cost of a wedding in the US I guarantee you we do the same fucking thing, except the bride gets gifts from EVERYONE
  2. The reliability will not change, but the prices and grill heights will continue to increase.
  3. Lots of people backing up that rich coastal elite stereotype ITT
  4. Japan is only the first of a number of nations that will experience this demographic crisis. The real ticking time bomb is China.
  5. We traded food security for climate change and nuclear is the cure
  6. I’d rather be homeless than write another essay for as long as I live.
  7. It’s too bad DC won’t allow skyscrapers. Could have gotten an actual office tower in the city instead of this monstrosity
  8. I pay $250 a month for my piece of shit 2009 Lexus so I can only imagine what new cars are going for
  9. If they want to make this more painful for Ukraine than it already is, then we need to figure out how to make this more painful for Russia than it already is. I don’t know if there’s any more we could be doing, but an onslaught of NATO gear wouldn’t hurt.
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