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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Going to rehab tomorrow. See y’all in a month.
  2. Bro your posts are literally unintelligible. No one has even a fucking clue what you’re saying. Quit trying to be so cryptic.
  3. There’s no fixing the mental health problem in this country. Throw all the money at it you want, it has no chance against the decades and centuries of American violence.
  4. I mean they went as far as to buy out the Detroit streetcar network and replace it with their own fleet of busses. They didn’t give a fuck about what cars were doing to society.
  5. All of our decisions were set in stone at the Big Bang, and past and future exist simultaneously and we only experience the passing of time as a consequence of the way our brains are structured
  6. I don’t know that Russia is doing “okay” seeing as the average quality of life has dropped significantly since the start of the war, there’s unrest all over the place, and high level officials are falling out of windows left and right. Their modern military equipment is more or less depleted at the moment. And none of this is to even mention the massive demographic crisis they’re facing.
  7. Pass a bill banning all politicians from using social media of any form, we can go back to doing it on tv you pussies
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