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Everything posted by TheGreatGamble

  1. They are so fucking tasty. Make excellent waterproof hats and mitts too,.
  2. I somehow doubt it. I think they figured out they were just wrong
  3. This is great news. His firing was ridiculous. I’ll be glad to see him finish this offf.
  4. Im not sure I care about this, but its still disgusting. I mean was ANYONE shocked when we found out being rich is the key that opens almost any door? Im pretty sure rich people have been doing this for decades, with donations, back channels like this. Its only shocking to the public because celebs are caught up in it.
  5. Fair enough, I was just going by other examples I had seen. I have no idea about average sentences for these crimes.
  6. Jesus christ, i'm about goddamn ready to move back home to the farm and give up on humanity altogether.
  7. Nietzsche was an idiot. While it might have been true in the 19th century, it certainly isnt today. I don't know many people middle class and up who have done much suffering. Now, if you said poverty is to suffer....
  8. I also work in a hospital, in a state mental health institution. I deal with a patient who does exactly the same thing. Usually upon creating some other kind of legal problem for himself. They are brought in regularly for evaluation by police. It's the same song and dance every time. I still cant figure out how someone swallows damn razor blades. But generally, they are just gaming the system. Im an armed guard in a forensics unit, so I don't deal with the constant bullshit nurses and doctors do, but the fuel tank for my care is running on fumes. Then I see the people who need real care not getting what they need because resources are wasted on these idiots.
  9. Yeah, the doc is problematic. I just think theres been too much smoke around jackson. I believe he's a molester, but I certainly don't know.
  10. Because voluntary sex for money shouldn't be a crime. Like abortion, the government should have no say in what a person does witht heir body. Also, the police put the story out there that he was involved in sex trafficking. Seems all they were trying to do was hurt Kraft's reputation.
  11. And I don't, if they aren't actively trying to hurt others because of their beliefs.
  12. nope. If those are the rules here, thats different. This site will never affect public discourse on politics.
  13. How does it dismantle anything? Victims, especially males, deny abuse for decades, often praising their predators, out of pure embarrassment. Not wanting anyone know they "let it" happen to them. Not wanting to publicly admit it, or even not wanting to think about it.
  14. Why? Its valid to feel someone born a man isn't a woman? I don't have a problem calling her "her", but I don't have a problem withsomeone not being ok with it too.
  15. There is no center. Thats why I said we need a third party, one not based on ideology, one that uses science, research, and evidence to find out whats best for the country. The problem is that you guys expect those of us who don't agree with either to still choose a side. Hell, liberals are still blaming Libertarians for the loss of horrible candidates like Gore and Clinton, instead of themselves for running bad candidates. You actively campaign against a third party because you are afraid that liberals can't win if there are more than two. You are terrified to even allow libertarians to debate with the dems and GOP (and the pushback comes from the left). The two party system is broken on both sides.
  16. And she's a traitor who tried to hurt America. Washington fought to create it. The only similarity is the word traitor.
  17. you are reaching so far. Washington was a traitor until he was no longer a british subject. Manning is still a US citizen, and therefore still a traitor, by law. A convicted traitor.
  18. Nobody is worse than Trump. But Trudeau is currentl;y lying to his whole country about SNC Lavalin, so lets not pretend he's not a dirtbag. Healthcare for all, I agree with. The rest is fine if you really believe in socialism. I don't, and it always fails. How long before your Canada Pension and Medicare cant support itself anymore?
  19. You keep ignoring the fact that I've told you multiple times that I KNOW THERE IS NO EXPECTATION OF FREE SPEECH ON TWITTER. You are either trolling, or refusing to read what I wrote. I think it should be regulated BECAUSE ITS SO IMPORTANT TO OUR DEMOCRACY.
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