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Everything posted by TheGreatGamble

  1. No, just sick of typical bullshit equivocation. "You support something the right wing supports, therefore you are right wing". Its the laziest bullshit argument there is.
  2. How dare he converse with people who believe differently and have different beliefs than you! You are as big of hipocrits as the right.
  3. On free speech and the 2nd, yes. On gay rights, womens issues, abortion, not at all. So take your bullshit somewhere else.
  4. There was a partisan way forward in the 60's. That doesn't exist today. In the sixties, there was an expectation things would get better. Today were sure they will only get worse.
  5. No, its not. I completely agree, racism is almosst entirely a right wing problem, but there is far more than race driving the right. Censorship of conservative views holds them together more than anything else you do could. Everytime you argue its okay to censor conservative views, you give them something to rally around. Like I said, theres no party for me. The so called right and left both disgust me. But I still think both your views should be heard.
  6. ??? Support him with a click? Aside from his support of the second amendment, Joe is a total liberal. You guys are truly trying to eat your own.
  7. Ya, he turned on him for a single idiotic statement. He damn sure agreed with everything else. Know own who else stated we were headed for civil war a while back? Dorsey.
  8. So you won’t check for yourself, but you won’t take an almost word for word explanation. Totally resonable. There was no further context, Dorsey was just being more honest than you.
  9. No, it wouldn’t. Again, twitter is too important to elections and political discourse to allow it to moderate views that are offensive to the left. As long as those views don’t target a specific person,. i suppose you think the #learntocode bannings were justified too?
  10. That’s the goddamn transcript. There was no deeper question, it was simply “would you say twitter has a liberal bias” and Dorsey said, “yes we certainly have a liberal bias” (may not be exact words). There was no other context.
  11. I’m not claiming a moral high ground. I’m saying Twitter has become so important that free speech must be enforced on it. And no, the progressives aren’t right. The progressives are turning into fascists. Fuck, today they are on twitter trying to cancel Joe Rogan for fighting for free speech and having Poole question Dorsey.
  12. With Viyaja sitting next to him, he stated, “yes, Twitter certainly has a liberal bias”, when asked by Tim Poole if he thought it was biased or not. You could see Vijay’s squirm in her seat as he said it.
  13. So, you are an outright socialist?Fascist? i could get behind that IF it wasn’t guaranteed to become corrupt, because people are corrupt. No absolute leader will ever be impartial or incorruptible.
  14. My job is not a place for public political discourse. You are being obtuse trying to compare a public forum to a private workplace
  15. When it comes to speech I completely agree with the far right, which is the only interpretation there is. I don’t agree with their views, but I agree with their right to express them. Racism and hate are protected speech, and are best sanitized in the light of day. Instead you force it into dark corners to fester and get worst.
  16. You want the government to take over a private commerce company? Disgusting. Bezos should be forced to sell WaPo though.
  17. When a platform has the power of twitter, freedom of speech should be our paramount concern. And yes I know what free speech is. It’s nothing to do with your limited view of it.
  18. No, that’s not it. I gave you an example. know who isn’t banned for harassing innocent kids who wore the wrong hat? Kathy Griffin who encouraged others to doxx him, as well as the journalist who called for his death on twitter, multiple times. But hey, bad ideas are what’s dangerous right? Not inciting hatred and violence and harassment?
  19. It’s hilarious how being against Israeli policy and actions is so fucking triggering for both parties. At at least the evangelicals admit they only like them because they’re needed to bring about their silly prophesy.
  20. I mean, it only took two trials for separate charges, his death, and ten years, but people are finally figuring out he’s a dirtbag child molester.
  21. Meghan Murphy, banned from twitter for refusing to use preferred gender pronouns with a known transgender troll. Just off the top of my head
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