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Everything posted by TheGreatGamble

  1. We were never a slave slate, asshole. I’m not in the south. What, I believe in gun rights so I’m a racist? What the fuck is your problem?
  2. Except you have some false idea about the AR-15 and Canada (I just checked, I was reading after someone mentioned Canada gun laws were better). I’m assuming you can’t have an AR-15 because it can be broken down and concealed (I don’t know), because you have a ton of high capacity, one piece, semi-automatic long guns that are totally acceptable for hunting. You also have semi-auto pistols. So yes, you can’t have an AR, but you can have any of a hundred other platforms that can do the exact same thing.
  3. Most of that is worthless. I don’t have guns solely for the purpose of self defence. And yes, I like guns. Like target shooting, hunting, I never once bought a gun with the intention of shooting a person. My my son is 12, he can finally hunt big game here. I also love spending time with him outdoors. Hunting, fishing and camping. It’s an important part of my states culture, my towns traditions, and my families best memories.
  4. Except that not one of these people who are giving up their guns were going to commit a gun crime anyway, so it’s a useless gesture. The problem is mental health and illegal weapons in the hands of criminals. My AR-15 is no more threat to you than my bolt action rifles are. FFS, I’m glad we have a 2nd, so every tragedy can’t be used as a political tool to disarm law abiding citizens. Lets enforce proper storage, and allow psychiatric doctors to suspend gun rights of the mentally ill. Let’s prosecute owners who don’t store their weapons in a way their children can’t get at them. Let’s improve background checks. Those things work. But taking the guns of law abiding citizens will change nothing.
  5. As if the police forces and military would let the right slaughter people.... As Andy Stumph (retired seal and republican) said, (paraphrasing) "If these idiots on the far right actually bring out their guns, you have actual operators like myself who are going to come off the bench to protect their country. And it's gonna go very badly for those weekend warriors. We're not going to watch them turn this country into all those we fought in."
  6. I knew a lot of real cowboys, ranchers and bull riders, and a chuckwagon racer. None of them would wear cowboy boots or hats unless they were riding/working/competing. I grew up on a ranch, I own cowboy boots (not hats though), and use them to ride and work plenty. They are very functional. They also make you look like you are straight out of 70's porn. Throw in a mustache, and you got Debbie does Montana.
  7. Every time I see a guy like Beto wearing cowboy boots and hats, I have another reason not to vote for him. I’ve met too many of his brand of fake cowboy.
  8. No view should be above criticism. Thats a problem with both sides. If you criticise the crazy views of the right, you are the devil. And if you question the views of the left they automatically start calling you Alt-right. The idea that this is a war and you have to agree with everything your side says is completely against American values. The only things I really agree with the right on are free speech, the 2nd ammendment (and even then, we need to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill), and the American model of conservation and land ownership.
  9. You are incorrect. Jeans are the most comfortable and most functional ass covers there are.
  10. Jesus christ, I know I have some unpopular opinions, but does this board allow the Alex Jones of the world to spread this shit on this site?
  11. I believe he has benefitted Russia unwittingly. The idiot thinks he's an actual genius. to be an asset, I feel he'd have to be doing it willingly. I dont believe he's working with Russia, just hat he's an idiot who makes shit up as he goes.
  12. I know books aren’t canon. My point was Section 31’s Control AI has been around for 20 years.
  13. You are foolish if you think Trump is a Russian asset. A willing dupe, sure. Not an asset though.
  14. Advanced AI was never banned. Control was first conceived in DS9, and there’s been many books written about it. In the books, Julian and Ezri destroy it with the help of Data (who was brought back in comics and print years later, going on to captain enterprise). It was in charge of Sloan and his men in DS9. So it’s not a new concept. Data is is also an advanced AI, of course.
  15. I find the Navajo thing shocking. It never occurred to me there was Navajo porn.
  16. Theres nothing more comfy than well broken in Levis, so to hell with all you non jean wearing bitches! Sweatpants are for the gym, thats the only time I wear them. Have to wear combat pants at work (kevlar lined). Other than that, it's jeans. Sleep naked though, to hell with that.
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