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Everything posted by TheGreatGamble

  1. Lol. While I agree with her, there goes her very slim chance of winning. And if I owned a multi-billion dollar company, I’d work to bury her too. If I owned google, and a candidate made comments like this, you’d only get a blank white screen when you searched her name. this is everything I’ve said about twitter in your 2020 thread. They are too powerful to let control the political narrative.
  2. That is an outright lie. Those banned for harassment should remain banned, but many have been banned for ideological shit, like misgendering. For blanket statements like “men can’t be women”. For speaking out against things they disagree with. It’s ridiculous.
  3. I know multiple marines and some seals who have been in Syria. They all seem to agree that the rebels are the problem, not Assad. But the media has constantly sided with the rebels, even printing lies about chemical attacks that all evidence shows never happened. i don’t have an informed opinion on Syria to make a decision personally, but those I know that do tend to side with the lawful government.
  4. So block those harassing others, not the one spreading a conspiracy theory. and if free speech is a far right view to the left, then the left is as bad as the far right are.
  5. When a platform becomes as important to politics as twitter has, so much so that foreign governments are using it to sway elections, then yes, they should have a right to that megaphone. Why is it everybody is so scared of speech they disagree with? You have the ability to block whoever you don’t want to hear.
  6. There’s the thing, free speech and harassment are not the same thing. Jones should be free to say Sandy Hook didn’t happen, he should not be free to target specific people. And yes I think white nationalist (nazis do not exist in America) should be allowed to express their disgusting hatred, as long as it isn’t targeted hatred. So yes, absolutely, obligate them. Free speech doesn’t include the right to harass or harm others.
  7. My point is that it has become "With us or against us". Its like its a crime to be a liberal and agree with conservatives on an issue (and vice versa). I've been called a republican because I support the 1st and 2nd ammendment proudly, but called a'libtard'because I support abortion and gay rights. Anyone who treats politics like a team sport needs to rethink their life. both sides have salient points on different issues.
  8. And she repudiated those views, while also explaining why she had them. Is that where the left is>? No redemption, no forgiveness? And you are correct, they are not obligated. But they should be. If they can say Trump can't be banned because his account is important to public discourse (and twitter has said this), then anything said that doesn't incite violence should be fair game. We don't need these companies to censor for us. Offended people need to learn to use block buttons.
  9. Thats why Trumps claims of Fake News arent far off for most news corporations. Trump is still a dirtbag and deserves all the hate he gets, but theres countless twisted stories out there cut and misrepresented to fit their own needs and ideology (on both sides).
  10. No, it doesn't infringe on free speech, but if a platform is turned into a political powerhouse like twitter is, then free speech should be ensured for all americans. Its vital to modern politics, the goddamn president uses it to affect policy, fire people, and make political statements. Twitter has too much effect on elections to allow them to ban speech the left doesn't like. The bias is too ridiculous. You can get banned for dead naming, but not for calling for the death and/or doxxing of a kid who stood in a line with a MAGA hat smiling.
  11. she was still young without fully formed opinions.. And yes, she has no chance of winning, because the left is eating itself, and having a less than perfect past is a disqualifier, unless you come to heel for idealogues and dreamers. Id much prefer a candidate who has their feet firmly planted in reality. The AOC's are a tiny, vocal minority. What she wants isn't what most democrats want. Picking a far left idealogue is a good way to push away democratic voters who feel the party is getting away from them. Its a good way to elect Trump again, but not a good way to win. We desperately need a legitimate third party. This left/right bullshit is insane.
  12. Just like that uncoordinated kid we all made fun of in gym class. (Unless you were that uncoordinated kid).
  13. It’s too bad that everyone wants to use Gabbards youthful ignorant teen years against her, because she’s a fantastic candidate. The need from the far left to have a super progressive candidate is nauseating to centrists like myself. The left wants ants to fuck with the first and second amendment, the right wants to destroy BLM and restrict voting rights. Both sides disgust me. At least Gabbard falls in line with the silent majority of centrist democrats who think the Trump GOP is disgusting, but want nothing to do with far left socialist policies (like wealth taxes), and restriction of free speech on campus and social media (platforms which have HUGE effects on our democratic republic, and are steering the conversation the way they want, while pushing out opinions they don’t agree with).
  14. I certainly did not love it. Not for any ridiculous reasons, I just found it flat. The highs are pretty low, and some of the lows are unbearable. It’s not a bad movie, but it did nothing to make me more excited for endgame. It’s like she was shoehorned into the story because they needed a female standalone. I didnt hate it, but I certainly won’t see it again.
  15. I wish most boards would get rid of the circle jerk option altogether, personally.
  16. Lunar:Silver Star Story Crystalis Earthbound just a few greats off the top of my head.
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