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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that 8 years ago most of us probably weren't as engaged, I had never voted yet for example, so most of us probably see her as helpless and hurting the party, not understanding that she was out of power and couldn't do anything.
  2. I'd only accept the corporations are people argument if every single person employed by it gets a say in where the money goes, as it is now its just another rich guy who now gets to dump insane amounts of money into an election.
  3. I'd start with making it illegal to campaign outside the year of the election you're running in, the punishment is death.
  4. Just imagine what happens to the economy when people don't get their tax returns, lol.
  5. Well the first part is just straight lies, and the second is like a marketing PR statement where your numbers suck but that one subsection of your sales is great! His approval/disapproval have been heading the wrong direction for him ever since his shutdown nonsense.
  6. Its crazy just how far behind everyone is from NASA, their 2020 Mars rover for example is going to collect samples to be returned when another lander brings a return vehicle to bring the samples back to earth, but if someone is able to catch up it'd be China.
  7. Brindisi voted for Biden i guess, but really don't care cause we got rid of Tenney, and hes just fulfilling a campaign promise where he said he wouldn't support her.
  8. Guess Apple didn't do as well and is blaming the trade war with China which is dragging down other companies that do business in China in after hours trading, so easy to win, trade wars are.
  9. Pelosi pulled everyone together and supposedly mapped out how their investigations were going to go so that it didn't seem like a scatter shot of throwing shit on the wall, and no doubt to keep a nice slow burn going for a long time.
  10. When you want to attack someone but they're family, "Freshman Senator," lol.
  11. They don't even know which democrat is their best shot at getting out of this mess, lol.
  12. Just imagining touching that screen that thousands of others have touched before you, lol, grab the app on your phone.
  13. To be fair that bereavement law was ridiculous, it would have allowed someone to take basically 3 months off because of a death in the family....
  14. While i liked it, but didn't love it, i'd say just get all access, cancel and play all their games for a year for like 30 bucks, the premiere also doesn't seem worth it as at some point the like 7 premiere level games end up on basic. From what i remember Andromeda was basically the Halo story line but in Mass Effect, at least it felt really similar, lol. It plays nice, looks nice, and has some really awesome environments, but the dialog was just downright bad, and while the Ket are basically the Covenant they're far less developed and are basically just bad guys you shoot at.
  15. Never underestimate the power of greed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/investigations/dog-auction-rescue-groups-donations/?utm_term=.6c977aac5af7 An effort that animal rescuers began more than a decade ago to buy dogs for $5 or $10 apiece from commercial breeders has become a nationwide shadow market that today sees some rescuers, fueled by Internet fundraising, paying breeders $5,000 or more for a single dog. The result is a river of rescue donations flowing from avowed dog saviors to the breeders, two groups that have long disparaged each other. The rescuers call many breeders heartless operators of inhumane “puppy mills” and work to ban the sale of their dogs in brick-and-mortar pet stores. The breeders call “retail rescuers” hypocritical dilettantes who hide behind nonprofit status while doing business as unregulated, online pet stores. But for years, they have come together at dog auctions where no cameras are allowed, with rescuers enriching breeders and some breeders saying more puppies are being bred for sale to the rescuers.
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