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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Its not a surprise that the GOP has shrank as moderates leave the party leaving it more ideologically pure, and those moderates had to go somewhere, if this poll were of just dems/Reps i'd care more, but it includes those independent leaners. Dems have a 11 point lead over the GOP nationally in states with party registration, and the GOP has almost been over taken by independents as the party shrinks. Its not as if they're all of a sudden going to return to vote GOP as they continue to push to the right which is why they left in the first place. Put another way, there are a lot more dems/Dem leaners, than GOP/GOP leaners.
  2. If the end result is they pay more and have to jump through more hoops it really can't be bad. I mean i'm assuming they have to actually do something to earn deductions, which means they'll be contributing in other ways than dumping money into markets making themselves and their friends more money.
  3. Everything we do is dumb because it was devised by men born almost 300 years ago, in a territory a fraction of the countries current size and population.
  4. At one point the article simply says rich people will commit tax evasion. Best part of it might be the second of 2 comments left on the article, calling it the ramblings of an unhinged incel, lol.
  5. Senate dems plan to block every bill that doesn't re-open the government. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democrats-pledge-to-paralyze-senate-as-shutdown-negotiation-tactic/2019/01/07/ed5e355e-12aa-11e9-a896-f104373c7ffd_story.html?utm_term=.f848cd3baf23 A growing coalition of Senate Democrats — hailing primarily from states that have a large population of federal workers, as well as the contingent of senators eyeing presidential bids in 2020 — say the chamber should not vote on anything else until the shutdown ends. Those tactics were first proposed by Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “The Senate should vote on nothing else until we vote to reopen the government. Period,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) tweeted on Monday. “This shutdown is squeezing the finances of so many Americans, including thousands of federal workers who live in Virginia. As leaders, we can’t just whistle past the graveyard of this crisis.” Among the Democratic senators who have endorsed Van Hollen’s strategy include his fellow Maryland Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.). They are also supported by key liberal outside groups, including the Center for American Progress, Indivisible and the AFL-CIO, although this strategy hasn’t been backed caucus-wide. “I almost never use these types of procedures, but this is extraordinary to be meeting like this while a good part of the government is shut down,” Cardin said Monday in an interview.
  6. The idea a company has to be forced to make a car should be proof enough the demand isn't there, otherwise they'd happily pump them out. Tesla/nissan have cornered a tiny subsection of car sales, GM makes millions of cars a year, and just axed a car cause its profits on sales were too low, and that number was over 120k cars sold, or half of the EV total market in the US.
  7. If you want to ignore that the mileage issue isn't a massive hurdle for mass market appeal, sure. They aren't making them because the demand just isn't there.
  8. EVs don't have mass market appeal outside of the high end is the problem, which is why the hybrid electrics are getting much more attention from the large automakers, because people get to drive to work and back and still go out of town.
  9. So California had the third largest population growth from 2010 till now and could lose a house seat after 2020, lol. Also it's population gain in this period is larger than the entire population of 13 states.
  10. The big automakers are supplying the amount of EVs the market is demanding, if they were all selling out of each model year they'd be putting Tesla's production numbers to shame.
  11. The "republican" district in the state elected a Democrat, Collins is toast.
  12. So Cuomo aside, the MTA ultimately decided the only way to fix the tunnel was to redo it as it was 100 years ago, and that meant digging out concrete and running new cables damaged by the saltwater, and because of that it required an extensive environmental study because of all the concrete dust that would have been brought up, and at no point did they have alternatives drawn up till Cuomo stepped in and found they could just leave the old wires and hang the new wires on the existing structure, lol.
  13. There is actual precedent that the president can't just declare and emergency and take whatever he wants, lol. So he's receiving terrible advice as usual.
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