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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Coals decline has been incredibly fast, producing over 50% of US power in 2001 to 30% today and still dropping, with natural gas mostly filling in where its fallen off with some exceptions like Iowa where coals decline has been almost completely due to wind power which now makes up 37% of the states power production. Of course some states like WV love their coal and it only fell from 98% to 93%, lol. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/12/24/climate/how-electricity-generation-changed-in-your-state.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&fbclid=IwAR1Yh8lGk_pvZ5ISBuBc_xCLRXCVaS_BpWts6FVq_o3VndgxtpGthXucplY
  2. I don't know what thats supposed to mean, the fed absolutely understands a strong dollar as its creating one, and the rest has nothing to do with them...
  3. Never going to understand why people think 100k isn't a lot in the northeast, lol. NYC isn't the only part of it,and even still average household income is below 70k in the northeast.
  4. I'm sure a former Boeing guy will totally share your foreign policy views.
  5. Christie on ABC throwing shade, basically saying hes old and its hard to convince old people they're wrong, and "I told him when using executive power you need to have an end game, and I have no idea what the end game is here" Corker over on CNN getting in on it as well. https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/23/politics/bob-corker-shutdown-cnntv/index.html "We can secure our borders," Corker said. "We can solve this problem. This is a made-up fight." Asked if he meant Trump was using this as a campaign issue rather than seeking a deal, Corker said, "it has to be that." "It's a spectacle, and candidly, it's juvenile," Corker said. "The whole thing is juvenile."
  6. NY is stepping in to keep the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island open during the shut down.
  7. Thats currently a 6 dollar value on steam, which is cheaper than what they're selling them for all separately on their store... lol.
  8. Senate adjourned till thursday, shut er down folks. Also we apparently have a chance to crush the conservative movement!
  9. Its really just a crazy/stupid person problem, political party doesn't really come into play.
  10. If this meeting isn't basically the GOP telling him to let it go its a completely pointless one without a single democrat in the room, only Graham on that list i can see doing that though, lol.
  11. 2014 was the worst year for turn out in modern times, and you're ignoring the trend in where the electorates are heading, Maine is a D+5 state Collins survival relies on dems liking her, and right now they really don't like her, and their other senator is an independent that just won re-election with everyone knowing he caucuses with Dems, and it wasn't close.
  12. To be so open about this nonsense is just insane while doing absolutely nothing about it...
  13. Its not a slam dunk, but McSally just lost her senate race in AZ and is up in 2020 and I can easily see people rejecting someone they already rejected a few years earlier, CO is basically a blue state and probably the most likely to flip, Collins is also super weak after her Kavanaugh vote and recent midterm results in Maine, and dems have won statewide races recently in NC, MT, WV, and KS, and in IO 3 of its 4 house seats just flipped to dem with the 4th swinging heavily toward dems. Add in a recession, sprinkle in some retirements, and Trump continuing to spiral, who knows just how bad of a night the GOP could have. Pat Roberts from KS is expected to announce his retirement after the holidays for example, which makes the likelihood of a pick up there even higher, especially if that idiots Kobach runs and wins the GOP primary, lol.
  14. So if he fires Mulvaney does he remove him from just COS or all 3 positions and has to find 3 more replacements?
  15. Schumer said previous deal is still on the table, which is 1.6 billion for border security but no wall, of course it was Pence and Kushner doing the negotiating not the toddler.
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