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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. I will also say: I am happy that the Canadian Supreme Court generally does not try to take over from the legislative branch. I am happy that evangelicals have very little sway in Canadian politics
  2. I do not know a single one of their names. This makes me happy. [And, despite what they look like, they are not Santa's elves.]
  3. In Canada, it is illegal to shoot a handgun anywhere else other than a licensed gun range. It must be transported unloaded in a locked case away from view. The person transporting it must have a permit to transport it. I saw people walking around with legal guns on their hips in the US. No one is talking about banning hunting rifles -- which this dude had as well. Unfortunately the Police do not keep track of the origin of guns in any statistics, however, there is lots of evidence to suggest the biggest source of street/gang guns are illegal imports from the states.
  4. Drone carrying 11 guns found stuck in tree near Canada-U.S. border in southwestern Ontario BETA.CTVNEWS.CA Lambton County OPP are investigating after a drone carrying handguns got stuck in a tree. Banning hand gun collections won't solve the problem of guns on the streets of Toronto.
  5. The idea was to suggest that the amount of people he is saying are pieces of shit is rather large and diverse. He is free to think of them any way he chooses.
  6. There are all sorts of people who have used/are using the term "woke" in an unironic way. If Obama is now considered right-wing, .
  7. Wastewater signals suggest that with Omicron 8% of the population is getting Covid every two weeks, those kind of infection rates aren't sustainable.
  8. On April 14th, the Ontario Science Table projected that by the beginning of May Ontario would have between 350 and 600 people in the ICU with/from Covid. Today there are 206 (or less than 60% of their "low estimate of transmission"). Those projections led to the media accusing the government of "not following the science". Those projections only matter if they are accurate.
  9. I'm old enough to remember when people thought spray painting things on churches/mosques/temples that accuses them of being evil was a bad thing.
  10. I wonder why they called it that? It's almost like they were quoting the police in their story about the police investigation.
  11. It was never called "woke". Not once, by anybody. Keep in mind that the current curriculum in Ontario introduced by the Conservatives in 2019 introduces sexual orientation as a mandatory discussion item Grade 5 (Liberal curriculum was Grade 6), they did move Gender identity to Grade 8 (Liberals had it in Grade 6). The Liberal document did have gender identity and sexual orientation as optional topics as early as Grade 3 though.
  12. 1) It's a nuanced topic, which has multiple ways of looking at it. 2) Most elementary teachers I've met aren't the kind of folks that I would want to trust these kind of discussions on with my kds. 3) Critical thinking skills aren't fully developed at age 12 and 13, and often the teacher's point dominates any discussion in primary school 4) The lesson takes a rather radical/one-sided view on "environmental racism". The foreword and introduction were so cringeworthy in the way they were written, that the intentions lose credibility to me. Are Toronto-area black people really concerned about bears in our local parks? Do they view "nature as a white space where black faces are out of place"? I wasn't suggesting they were fragile. I was suggesting these kind of nuanced conversations were more appropriate for older kids.
  13. Well, the tweet was the second sentence of the introduction to the lesson plan. To be clear, this was a lesson plan distributed by the union for my kids (theoretically with the purpose of being taught to my kids: Whether we, as adults, agree with it or not, I just don't think the concept of "Environmental Racism" is age-appropriate for a 12-year old. And I think the outrage that some parents are starting to exhibit (and screaming about CRT), is because some education administrators are starting to believe that this is "ok" for teaching elementary students.
  14. Elsewhere in Canada... Police will have enhanced presence downtown amid concerns over hate speech, violence at Al Quds Day protest WWW.CP24.COM Toronto police say that they will have an enhanced presence downtown this weekend as more than a dozen protests take place, including a pro-Palestinian rally that has been the site of clashes between demonstrators in the past.
  15. The administrators/teachers unions aren't helping themselves -- one example from the last week from the union that represents the teachers at my kid's school. The strangest parts are in the first two articles and the middle school lesson plans. Whether you agree with the content or not, it's clear that a lot of parents would have issues with the politics in this paper. On a tangent, this is one of the strangest things I have read in a long time about someone travelling to a park on the outskirts of a Hamilton suburb:
  16. Poutine frequently has meat added to it. Brisket, ham, bacon, chicken, steak, etc.
  17. You think you did.... Best Poutine Pizza Recipes | Food Network Canada WWW.FOODNETWORK.CA A recipe for making the best Poutine Pizza
  18. I dunno. How can it be better than Poutine itself? The Quebec Poutinerie across from my office has a poutine, where they chop up these and add them in. Turns out if you add random fast food to poutine, it makes it even better.
  19. Yup. "Now we want to work with the known so-called “High Tc Superconductors”, and see whether we can operate Josephson diodes at temperatures above 77 K, since this will allow for liquid nitrogen cooling. " 77 K =-196 C = -321 F
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