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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. The last date I went on was a long time ago with my assistant manager, whom I liked and thought liked me. She said bring your roommate, and I'll bring a friend, so it would be the four of us and she would be more comfortable. She barely talked to me and focused on my roommate most of the night. I soon found out from gossip at work that she wanted to sleep with my roommate . On the date, I didn't even realize that was her intention, and I haven't tried to date since that happened. Even my manager at the time was married, and she kept trying to sleep with another employee who was way younger. This was when i was in my twenties and hadn't yet given up.
  2. If you go out to eat and they list a range for calories do you just use the highest listed to be on the safe side? For example Denny’s Santa Fe Sizzlin’ Skillet 720-1,000 calories. Just put down 1,000?
  3. My surname is the 5,213,395th most common surname in the world. So all you single ladies out there, act fast before the opportunity is gone! I wouldn't mind if she didn't take my name but i don't think i could change it because it's the last thing i have left from my dad.
  4. A close friend of mine dated an employee he was the supervisor of, and they ended up getting married. I think they've been together for almost twenty years.
  5. I'm going to try to track my calorie intake on here. I haven't kept track of Diet & Sugar free soda and flavored zero calorie water i drink. 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21
  6. Turn your phone off and ignore the holidays. Problem solved.
  7. I'm restricting my calorie intake while doing cardio workouts which i meant by eating better.
  8. One goal is to get in better condition to run another marathon late 2023/24. Maybe we could set up a bet?
  9. I have to use a cane to walk for a short period before my knee starts throbbing and my foot goes numb. I hope if i can lose some weight that maybe that would help. Last time i visited the foot specialist he said i have neuropathy in my foot.
  10. Something like this would be nice and i would get a better cardio workout $159.99 on Amazon. I'm not sure how long my pedal machine is going to last. @TUFKAK What do you think of this?
  11. I eat way better compared to what i used to eat.
  12. Drop from 285 to 185 and work on my stomach, inner thighs, and arms. I have a pedal machine and a 40-pound kettlebell.
  13. I was thinking about getting these Thigh Master for Man,Inner Thigh Exercise Equipment , Exercise Arms, Buttocks, Thigh Master Sculptor Machine and CAP Barbell Ab Trainer. Do you think they would help? I'm not sure how good they are. I have issues with back pain doing situp
  14. When I was in the hospital, I could see and hear what they had to deal with both in the waiting room and when I was in my room, and it was horrible. I treated everybody very nice and didn't have one bad experience from the nurses. I even had one that said she was happy to see me before I was discharged because of how nice I was to her. They definitely deserved to be paid better, in my opinion. We're seeing burnout with elderly home caregivers.
  15. They lowered my final bill down to $89.49. Could anybody help me with this bill?
  16. Videocards probably caused the divorces. "You love those GPUs more than me so either they go or i go" .......
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