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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Assuming the Russian people stand for it, Russia can just continue to throw conscripts into the meatgrinder too. Bodies upon bodies is one of the reasons they were able to ultimately defeat Germany in World War 2 (along with massive support from the US and the allies).
  2. It's generally warming up in Europe. I do wonder if they'd have ability to get by with natural gas shortages for awhile.
  3. Is it worth it for Ukrainian forces to continue to attack the retreating Russians? These Russian units aren't going home, they are likely going to reinforce existing units in the Donbas region.
  4. We really dodged a bullet when Yurtle the Turtle declined to consider Garland as a Supreme Court Justice.
  5. This appears to be a liquid fueled rocket, most likely using hypergolic fuels. On one hand, hypergolics are generally stable, but they are incredibly nasty to handle or be exposed to. I'm surprised that they didn't go with a solid fuel rocket instead, as they tend to be able to sit for years and can launch at a moments notice.
  6. There is a private service here in Nevada that will stand in line for you at the DMV.
  7. Thankfully (or thankfully, depending on your POV), there wouldn't be a nuclear detonation in a scenario like this. Best case scenario: The warhead falls off the missile and lands intact and essentially inert. Worst case scenario: the conventional explosives that trigger the nuclear detonation go off, scattering the the plutonium over a wide area.
  8. You are probably right. But at the same time, the longer Russia wages this war, even if it's only half-assed from here on out, they'll stay isolated diplomatically and economically.
  9. When I was in 4th-6th grade (6th grade was elementary in my school district growing up) my parents let me ride my bicycle to school. It was about 1.5 miles, and it was way out in the country, so the entire distance had to be done on the actual road, as there were no sidewalks. Never had to deal with traffic per se, but cars would be traveling around 50 mph, expect when you got within a few hundred feet of the school. Junior high and high school were 7 and 6 miles away respectively, which is neither walkable or bike-ridable. I either took the bus or got a ride from my dad. Luckily I got my license in 10th grade and was able to drive to school after that.
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