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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. So I actually know the cop in this video, and it’s been making the rounds all over Philly as a feel good “not all cops are bad” story. She’s a good kid, but she can be fucking nuts sometimes:
  2. You see, this gif works because Steve Carrell played him in a movie once.
  3. I’m still trying to get my sister and her fiancé vaccinated. At this point they’re just being lazy despite going out and doing social shit all the time now and that kind of worries me. Everyone else in my family is vaccinated, myself included.
  4. Trump claimed he would have fired him if he had actually yelled at him, but I’m legit convinced he was terrified on anyone in a military uniform.
  5. Imagine being so fucked up on whatever pills they give him that insane people think it’s a clone: The moon is a planet.
  6. So towards what @brucoe said, there’s legit ASMR people, and then there’s unintentional ASMR which is an emerging trend to, where people legit just do things. One of the most famous videos is this one, which I’ve learned of it’s popularity because every comment section of an ASMR video has references to this one:
  7. If you’re the remnants of the Italian mob, how embarrassed are you that THIS GUY brought you down?
  8. ASMR is great when it’s unintentional. I get the fuzzy feeling in my head from the most random shit and it’s awesome. As for Joe whispering? I don’t know why but I love the sense of humor behind it.
  9. Shit, I’m pretty sure Critical Race Theory is actually a class taught in colleges that go into deconstructing the nuances because The Amazing Race.
  11. I can’t wait for racist white people to treat Juneteenth the same way they treat Cinco de Mayo!
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