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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. Chrono Trigger had my favorite New Game+. Beat the game at multiple points and you get different endings!
  2. Apparently there’s been talk in the Trump camp of talking RFK into dropping out to be Trump’s running mate because Trump thinks having a Kennedy on the ticket would help him.
  3. I’ve been some form of MarSolo since joining IGN back in 2004. I always stuck with some Harrison Ford character name as a username, even my Gmail account is one, to my embarrassment decades later when I give my email.
  4. Exactly. I qualified. Was paying $25 a month for like two months then got the email saying my loans were forgiven. Got one of my friends, a nurse, to sign up, her monthly payments were ZERO.
  5. I feel like I’m a spokesperson for SAVE now, I’m trying to get everyone I know with student loans to sign up, especially those close to my age.
  6. One of my production company’s current gigs is with this group in Italy that’s trying to produce their own Magic the Gathering style card game, and my job has been doing a SHIT TON of cleanup on AI generated images that they’ve been trying to use for promotional images. I told my boss that after this, we need to put out something about refusing to work with AI images because of eventual legal issues.
  7. I don’t know, if I’m a judge enjoying the life in California and then get told “you’re going to spend the next five years in Idaho or North Dakota”, I’d hang myself with my robe.
  8. The whole scene with Auntie Rae killed me, and then Susie ruining the ruse once Rae outs both Jeff and Larry.
  9. I’m firmly in the camp of “he did it”. That said, my friend sent me this years ago and it always gave me pause: OJ Simpson Conspiracy Theory: Did O.J. Simpson’s Son Kill Nicole Brown And Ron Goldman? WWW.YOURTANGO.COM Does the glove fit? But it’s more of a case of being a psycho just runs in the family.
  10. What the hell were we doing paying for the IGN Boards? We deserve refunds.
  11. I’m about to go to the Gold Saucer! Also, I suck at playing the piano. It’s hard for me to keep track of both circles.
  12. Text her a photo of you flexing and ask her if she likes the gun show?
  13. Fuck, that ad really hit me in the stomach. Get that on Hulu and every ad tiered streaming service PRONTO.
  14. I’m going to ask a ridiculously stupid question: there’s no way Trump, if he wins reelection, could come in on day one and say “anyone’s whose loans got canceled under Biden are immediately uncanceled” right?
  15. I got my beagle when he was 6 months old. The previous owners didn’t have time to take care of him, so my parents adopted him for my sisters as a birthday gift. Turned out, they decided they didn’t want the responsibility so my dad and I ended doing a “joint custody” type deal with him because he was retired and I wasn’t, so he had him when I was working. Long story short, the beagle knew where his bread was buttered, so he would go to my old man and beg him for food and my old man would give it to him, but I could leave an entire plate sitting of my food in front of the dog and he wouldn’t even sniff it because he knew it was mine. He was also a great wingman, any woman I brought home that he didn’t deliberately hog the attention from was a red flag to me. What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Nothing, I just wanted to talk about my dog.
  17. Haha, I’m REALLY slow sometimes with games, just taking it in and such. And with the crunches, I’ve got the press and tap prompts down, it’s just that against Jules, you CAN’T make a mistake otherwise he’ll be ahead of you by ten and you can’t catch up. And it’s never the prompts where I screw up, it will just be a basic button press where I slip up. EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I JUST BEAT IT. 56-51!
  18. I blame this movie for Taron Egerton not getting his flowers as Elton John outside of Best Original Song. Well, that and Bohemian Rhapsody sweeping a bunch of awards the year before.
  19. I genuinely hated the first movie and it annoys that it not only won OSCARS, but is getting a sequel.
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