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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. Earlier this year, I got a tonsillectomy to try and help with my sleep apnea. Since then, I've been sleeping better. I recently went back to a sleep specialist, and they recommended me to participate in another sleep study to see how much it has improved, and whether or not further treatments are necessary. But considering that a sleep study alone is a good few hundred even with insurance, not including however much any additional treatments would cost, I'm not sure I want to do it.
  2. I wonder how many of those cases are due to just not giving a shit, and how many are because of how much they would cost to fix.
  3. Can't say I blame them. Nearly three years later, and this country is a complete dumpster fire, to the point that I can't decide whether it would be better to have the Dems win in 2020 and try to salvage what little can be saved, or have Trump get reelected and just get this apocalypse over with. I legitimately feel like if Trump wins in 2020, that's it. There is no hope for humanity. Climate change will kill us all in a just a couple decades.
  4. I find life to be a lot simpler by believing everything is shit until something proves that it is not shit.
  5. Special snowflake upset that his safe space has been compromised
  6. I'm getting more and more scared of this every day. Either Trump will do something drastic to distract everyone, the SCOTUS will rule in his favor, he'll somehow get re-elected, or he'll lose in 2020 but refuse to leave office.
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