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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. The wave of 2018 happened even despite a growing economy, no plague, and no civil unrests. It was all of a rebuke against Trump. I want to believe that same energy will happen again...
  2. Just look at that last quote. "Rightfully shunned, scorned, and mocked her entire life", and he never liked her. This coming from the guy that leads the GOP, who preach all the time about "family values". How can anyone read that and honestly not find him despicably unlikable?
  3. I'm still convinced that Trump will win, whether do to undecided voters, independents, or just plain voter fraud. And nothing, not even if there was a 20 point lead for Biden in the polls the week before, will convince me otherwise until the votes are tallied in November.
  4. PA is north of the mason-dixon line, but full of too many people that think they live in the South
  5. Which would at least have a SLIGHT amount of credibility if Biden was currently president. But he's not.
  6. I actually just got back from the store now lol. I don't really have any fears about going to the store. I haven't seen anybody in my area try and break the rules or cause a fuss about masks.
  7. So Trump is reportedly going to address the issue of the riots that happened this week. All I'm thinking is: how is he going to make it worse?
  8. Looks like it will make landfall in a couple hours with 150 mph winds. Will be interesting to see how the damage looks in the morning.
  9. I want to see a time lapse like this, but over the course of the last two days. I cant believe that Laura has just exploded into this beast.
  10. It's expected now to be at 150 by landfall. Not quite a cat 5, but that's like comparing having to eat a giant turd sandwich versus eating a giant turd sandwich with a small amount of ketchup.
  11. Sounds like the other NBA games for today are being boycotted as well.
  12. So the latest advisory just came out. Good news: The wind speed hasn't increased. Bad news: The hurricane's pressure is still dropping, which usually indicates further strengthening.
  13. At this rate of intensification, it might actually reach Cat 5 before landfall. Holy shit.
  14. I doubt it could reach Cat 5 (which is at least 160 mph), but who knows at this point...
  15. I wonder how much worse Hurricane Laura is going to make in the pandemic in the areas it impacts...
  16. The one silver lining is that, unlike Hurricane Harvey, Laura is going to be continuously moving, and so it won't linger and just keep dumping rain in one particular area.
  17. Texans definitely remember the last time they had to deal with a Cat 4 hurricane... Isn't FEMA low on money right now?
  18. I hate that I can't find the Swiss Army knife my brother gave me years ago. I feel like I'm going to need it on November 3rd...
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