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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. The funniest thing about Garrison is how he always draws Trump as if he is in peak physical condition, which he...is not, to say the least.
  2. People really think Trump is going to lose? I wish i was that optimistic. If anything, I'm expecting him to win by an even bigger margin than what he won by in 2016, and no polls or anything will convince me otherwise.
  3. I've only had to call 911 once. It didn't go too badly. I refuse to talk about why I called though. It's too personal.
  4. Yes, because those practices worked out so well for the studio system back then. It's not like a competing medium came along and completely undermined their entire system...oh wait.
  5. My immediate surrounding area is about 10%. But if you go across the river into Harrisburg, it's at over 30% in some areas.
  6. I really hope they pass something, otherwise a large number of people are going to be homeless and struggling. Also, from a selfish standpoint, I want a second stimulus check.
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