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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. I'm fucking depressed now. This world is doomed, and there's nothing worth fighting for.
  2. This might be the worst fucking week of my life. Holy shit. I don't even know if I'll last until the election now.
  3. It seems like most incumbent Republican senators are in trouble. What's the likelihood of a scenario where the Dems take the Senate, but Biden loses?
  4. Interesting note about this year compared to 2005: In 2005, we had 28 tropical storms (one went unnamed, as it was determined to be one after the season was over). Of those, we had 15 hurricanes, 7 major hurricanes, and 4 Category 5 hurricanes. This year, we've had 22 storms (so far). However, we've only had 8 hurricanes, and only 2 major hurricanes.
  5. Not exactly. The Greek alphabet works differently than ours. So, assuming that the depression in the Gulf becomes a tropical storm, we would need 4 more to tie the record.
  6. We have officially entered the Greek alphabet. Alpha has formed...off the coast of Portugal.
  7. Geno's may be pretty much nothing but tourist food, but I can't help but feel affection for it, because it was where I had my first (and only) kiss. A stupid reason, but still.
  8. That's good advice. But as I've said, i don't care anymore. I've reached a point that, if something happens to my body, I'm not going to the doctor about it. Like, if I got cancer, or diabetes, or anything else, I'm not undergoing treatment. I'll just stay in bed and let whatever happens happen. Why bother.
  9. When gyms reopened here back in June, i wore my mask at the gym every time i went. I was frequently the only person there that wore one at all times. Since Labor Day, I stopped wearing my mask at the gym. I don't give a shit anymore.
  10. So what does this mean then? PA stores will no longer be required to have customers or employees wear masks? Tom Wolf will be imprisoned? A Republican must now by law be governor? What?
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