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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. Sadly it seems a large portion of this country is working with less than half a brain.
  2. Man the amount of angst from the republican side in this state is scary. A posting from the community that my wife work's in has talk of arming up to "take care of the libturds that were elected before they can destroy this great state." I'm sorry we are a state that was built on prostitution and gambling, I cant call that great.
  3. Ok CNN and NYT have 2 different results there in TX23. CNN has an nearly 4000 more votes casts over the Secretary of State page for the results.
  4. It is actually the last option and some don't have it as an option at all. Plus we dont have write in.
  5. Good to see Clark and Washoe coming in. Im still waiting to see any result for my county as the sheriff race here is interesting due to a mess going on (most of it behind the Sheriff's back it seems). Also waiting to see if Horsford wins over Hardy in the "Why couldn't Ruben keep his dick in his pants" election.
  6. Elko has reported (only to be removed off the map). In a completely unsurprising result there it was 75%+ for Heller.
  7. All one needs to go from hard to their dick ripping itself off and taking the first bus to Florida, is the mention that Pelosi is most likely going to have the gavel again.
  8. 10 minutes until our polls close here in Nevada. With any luck Heller is gone.
  9. Which mean he won't know the difference as so little was done while his party had control.
  10. Woman receives a letter telling her she doesn't have the right to vote.
  11. I can't wait for him to open it on xmas. He will lose as he is a massive Megaman fan.
  12. I kind of thought the same thing. It just seems like a plausible idea by the look of the galaxies.
  13. Excited that one my my son's xmas gifts has arrived.
  14. I believe we heard this in opposite when Nintendo was reaffirming their support for the WiiU. You know saying that while stepping on its breathing hose in an attempt to find where life support was plugged in.
  15. Does anyone know if legendary hunts respawn? My son somehow lost the bear skin and needs to see if it can get it again.
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