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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. Im sure after Trump talks to Daddy Vladdy the response will be a mildly strong worded statement from the White House.
  2. Meadows taking offense to being called out for using a black woman as a prop.
  3. Picked up tonight well out and about celebrating a little anniversary with the wife.
  4. Just when I thought we reached the pinnacle of human stupidity. Somebody goes and sets the peak a little higher.
  5. @CastlevaniaNut18 I remember having this way back when and that was the sole reason I originally bought it. Just cracked me up every time. Lost it and didnt even think about it until the wife seen it and I was like "PANCAKES!"
  6. I feel like I heard this part of the speech in the before. Did he just reword that speech from Newsroom? Because it sure sounds like it.
  7. You can't bash American interventionalism in one sentence, then go on to praise American interventionalism later in the speech.
  8. This U.S.A. stuff needs to stop. It is starting to sound like old school McCartheyism. Either for us or against us.
  9. Outspending huh? Wasn't the Soviet Union trying to outspend us before the fall and re-rise.
  10. Turtle doesn't like hearing about lowering drug costs.
  11. The first Silent Hill is one of those games that I love but I can't bring myself to finish. I recommend it to people, I own it and I enjoy the hell out of playing it. But I get to a certain point and just can't do it.
  12. I have been debating about doing the mod. I know my one DC's drive is starting to die on me (along with its controller board).
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