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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. The toothpaste is out of the tube. Even if we stopped gun sales immediately and permanently, there are still more guns in the USA than there are people. The second amendment needs to be stricken, mandatory buybacks need to happen.
  2. I mean the show makes it pretty clear Obi-Wan doesn’t get out much, and at least one local was willing to shit talk an Inquisitor which they wouldn’t have done if they’d known anything about them.
  3. Obi-Wan believes he killed Anakin on Mustafar. Even in the Legends canon, he learned Anakin survived later on.
  4. I cannot imagine they're going to ignore previous canon to that extent.
  5. I mean the notion that grown ass adults couldn’t catch a kid that young within a few paces is bananas, but that one baddie really seemed to like admiring the trees mid chase. There are a couple canonical questions I have, but I’m at the point in my Star Wars fandom where I’m just curious as opposed to caring. Spoilers for these 2 episodes and Rebels:
  6. I know. My point is that the military is generally strict about who can be armed and where, have meaningfully more experience dealing with weapons than schools, and they still have this problem.
  7. Republicans, cops, conservatives, and 2A stans are more allergic to accountability than vampires are to the sun. Even if we assume a door that a teacher propped open is “to blame,” and to be clear we have no reason to suspect anything these fucking clowns say is even remotely true, the notion that children are a propped door away from death by a hail of gunfire is very obviously the fucking problem. But shall not infringe, keep treating the text of the second amendment like like an asshole treats an RPG rulebook so you can keep up your tacticool LARP and tell yourself that the gun you keep at home for self defense does anything other than contribute to the problem. All of these people can get fucked. Again in the last 20 years we’ve had what… 4 mass shootings on military bases? 5? MILITARY BASES CANNOT HANDLE THIS PROBLEM. And these motherfuckers are stupid enough to think a good guy with a gun and a single point of ingress at SCHOOLS are going to stop this from happening, and are tactless enough to say this shit aloud? GO FUCK YOURSELVES.
  8. The last thing the final season of GoT needed is more of it.
  9. I think they can be fun when they’re not taken seriously; I really like Legal Eagle’s reviews of legal systems on movies / shows / games.
  10. Oh yeah, it’s not a knock on the movie at all! And you’re right, it’s a funny era for that kind of thing. Here’s a handbag, give yourself two minutes and your face can become someone else’s face. How are we going to find this terrorist? I know, I’ll email terrorist@crimes.com
  11. In hindsight, the funniest parts of the original MI are Tom Cruise looking like a fucking child for some reason, extra prayers to Xenu or some shit, who knows. He looks 17 in some shots in that film like they lifted footage from Risky Business. Also literally everything related to the internet in that movie is peak comedy, he just… sends an email to a random email address and it’s the terrorist he’s looking for. And she replies! “Hello I am interested in crimes, A/S/L?” “Why yes I too like crimes let’s meet f2f.” Longterm I think the only “issue” I have with the series is the fabricated drama around people thinking Ethan might flip, or that Ethan might just murder some police officers to maintain cover, etc. Come on now. If Ethan turned it’d be like First of the North Star, you’d already be dead. How do you not know this As thrill rides and seeing Tom Cruise continue to punish himself, they remain very fun.
  12. ‘Goodfellas’ Star Ray Liotta Dies at 67 DEADLINE.COM 'Goodfellas' Star Ray Liotta Dies at 67
  13. It’s like these fucking clowns have forgotten how many shootings there have been at military bases. EAT SHIT.
  14. The Woo-iness of 2 is all well and good. I think the worst part of MI2 by a longshot is the overreaction to the first movie where people seemed to not be able to follow who was a traitor, who wasn’t, etc. MI2 corrects for this to an absurd degree and explains the plot aloud what feels like three dozen times.
  15. There’s a weird subset of people who watch Midsommar and seems to think it’s some kind of women empowerment movie based on the end, which is a wild fucking take. I also didn’t know there was a director’s cut, but I don’t feel that the movie needed to explain anything beyond what was in the original cut. Hmm.
  16. What gets lost in all of this shit (which given the circumstances is completely understandable), is that behaving like this make the jobs of every other cop that much more difficult by generating contempt for the entire fucking profession.
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