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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I don't wanna be too hard on a show I genuinely really like, but... i wonder if they've thought about the extent to which they're consistently cruel to the kids on this show. Shane is dead. Danny and Jimmy both deserve the death penalty. Kelly is having raw dog space adventures (goals) but we're not even using the rhythm method here? And the Helios stuff was just... bad. Karen calling out Dev for behaving erratically, but we haven't known him long enough to see that? Pinning the company's issues on Karen getting an office when the board was apparently always there but didn't have a say in a straw poll that could have let a bunch of people die in space so they could get to Mars first? And then the fact that his idea saved Ed and Danny's lives apparently counts for no cache with the board? Or Karen? And Dev's got enough money to just start another company, but not enough money to pay people? I don't want to get into the weeds but that whole arc failed every vibe check.
  2. Well that was certainly an episode of this show. Spoilers below... I guess one way to get yourselves out of the corner you painted yourself into is to literally blow it up. I didn't like Jimmy's arc before this episode and now I think it just stunk. It wasn't even interesting, they could have gone full incel / conspiracy goblin or full simp but they did neither. I don't even know what I'm supposed to think he believes? That NASA lying about the shit that happened to his parents? Why? To what end? He's like a Q believer... except he regularly hangs out with people who'd be in on the conspiracy, one of whom is his brother, who tells him about shit like fucking Karen, so he'd definitely know if the conspiracies were real? I don't get this entire thread, it's just wildly unsatisfying. I know that conspiracy goobers IRL don't make sense but this is a TV show, you've got to stitch it together, you can't just throw a bunch of fabric swatches onto one another and call it a quilt. We're meant to believe that nobody sussed out that Danny fucked up the drill? I'd need to go back and watch it, but weren't there shots of people side eyeing the decision to let him keep working at that station at the time? And their brilliant plan is to let an addict be by himself for a month at a time? He's gonna fucking die, or at some point they're gonna have to share a ride home so what exactly is the fucking point here? This season spent so much time on the Stevens brother and the payoff was uh... not great. The timing of Margo's "escape" sure was convenient. Poor Karen. It seemed like from the start of this season they didn't really know what to do with her. Astronaut's wife to small business owner? Sure. Leveraging her relationship with Tracy's husband to get a sick payout for selling the bar? Absolutely. Parlaying that into being the CEO of an aerospace company? What? I don't wanna be too unkind here but it feels bizarre to give her that much of a glow up and then blow her to kingdom come. The stuff with the astronauts was generally really good all season. I wish they'd done something more with the North Korean dude. Ellen's stuff was very sweet even if it felt like it took a long time to get there. A couple lousy episodes of this show are still better than most other shows, so I guess I shouldn't complain all that much. But I think the reason that the stuff with the Stevens boys just kinds limped along was that they had the least amount of time in the oven, and given that we're in 2009, I wonder what the next season is going to be about. Ed was probably too old to be flying in this season, he for sure will be in the oughts, so... who knows. Maybe we'll run into aliens.
  3. There are always going to be people who stand by their man regardless of actions. Certain people have more magnetism, or whatever you wanna call it, then others. Trump seems to have more than his fair share. But this, "he will inevitably be POTUS" stuff is fuckin weird, especially given the fact that he just lost and not EVERYONE that voted for him is a true believer. Holding onto nuclear information like it's a trinket is fucking bananas, even for him, and r/TheDonald or Truth or 4chan, or kiwifarms, or Gab, or Parler or wherever the assassination of these g-men will be plotted are not effective litmus tests for literally anything.
  4. Oh baby I hear the blues a callin’ insurrections and stolen nukes
  5. Oh absolutely. Again, this is why pointing out the hypocrisy of these ghouls is pointless, they’d be rock hard about the FBI within 5 seconds of saying they were going after Hunter or some shit.
  6. This is exactly how I explain why Tom Brady absolutely had footballs deflated to Pats fans, Brady and other QBs wanted the rules changed to let teams handle the balls. They hate when I say it and have no comebacks.
  7. One of the many, many, many reasons I know that we are not a "Christian nation" and anyone who purports that we are immediately goes onto my shit list is the extent to which we deliberately deprioritize taking care of the sick, the disabled, the elderly, etc.
  8. Punctuation marks inside quotation marks??? Who typed this for him? WAS IT THE FBI???
  9. Are those uline shelves? Do they still send you a catalog the size of the 1980’s phone book a few times a year? That thing has everything in it.
  10. Nice haul! Mentally, backlog, and storage wise, I’m at the point where the smaller the haul, the better I feel… but I respect the loot.
  11. I too hope gun ownership is federally banned.
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