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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/30/us/minneapolis-officer-noor-trial-verdict/index.html? Victim:
  2. CBS confirms: Barr denied knowing Mueller's stance on report summary two weeks after Mueller confronted him Just in time for the hearing!
  3. I think the Pro would have been a fine purchase for me, but I'm glad I held out because games like Horizon Zero Dawn look fabulous on a base PS4, and with the PS5 next year, I'm set for an upgrade there.
  4. It just doesn't matter that Biden's ahead this early, and I'm sure Hillary and Giuliani can tell him why. In Biden's case, it's worse since there was currently 20 candidates, and even if/when some drop out this year, winning Iowa/New Hampshire requires a significantly smaller share of the vote in a big field.
  5. Oh, people still care. It's still in the news, and I mean outside of cable. They're working on infrastructure, but how will negotiations go with the cloud of the Mueller probe hanging over everything? Congress continues to question people related to the probe. It's been a drip-drip-drip story for a while and I don't see it not being one for a while. It's like Hillary's emails: Republicans accused the media of bias for the timing of the story since it was early in 2015 so now it's allegedly been gotten out of the way. It never left the public conscience and was never as baked into people's voting decision as many people thought.
  6. It is true. Whether the Congress was Dem or Rep, Republican presidents have never been good at lowering deficits. Clinton balanced the budget, and Obama got it down from the high recessionary deficits.
  7. The one time I was actually gleeful to "shit" on someone was Charleston Heston. I didn't even have a strong dislike for him (even though I thought his gun positions have been harmful), but after he died, people said, "*pries gun from fingers* Too soon?" and when admonished, I think somebody, maybe @CitizenVectron or @Ricofoley, said, "C'mon, this is a once-after-a-lifetime opportunity." I died. Not like Heston, but I did.
  8. That was me, but I was quoting someone from Reset. It really is a game that's fun, has a lot of cool stuff, but rough around the edges partly because they had 50 people working on this for the longest time instead of a Santa Monica/Guerrilla/Naughty Dog-sized team. Hell, the dip to black transitions remind me of the first Uncharted big time, haha. I'm glad it's apparently selling well. Bend's grown and I hope they can carry this into something even better next gen. For now, I'd say this is EASILY a very good game.
  9. Man that's sad. That's something that continues to be a huge problem with multiplayer games. If you break out like Destiny or Fortnite, you're a smash. But if you either have huge problems or just don't catch on, nobody can really find out what they're missing.
  10. Fuck you I am the cheese I am the best character on the show. I am better than both the salami and the bologna combined.
  11. If Hillary won Texas, she probably would have won Arizona as well (similar to Trump being competitive in a state like Michigan meant he was also competitive in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Minnesota). I think the big thing is that the idea some Democrats had that the west was ripe for expanding the electorate was true. New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon (which used to be more competitive), Washington and Arizona either trended Democratic or are trending Democratic. Underappreciated now, but California used to be either solidly Republican or a Republican-leaning swing state. And Texas, based on its demographics (more than Hispanics, there are also many young liberals who have moved there) and proximity to the west, continues to be a target with tangible gains already felt this decade. To give an idea of the west in general and how Republican it used to be, these are the maps from 1952 onward: 52: 56: 60: 64: 68: 72: 76: 80: 84: 88: There were some cracks in 1988, but gee zuz, it used to be so freaking Republican. tl;dr: Texas is trending Democratic, and many gains/much progress has been made trying to turn it blue. It's still a state that favors Republicans plenty with a very conservative Republican base there. Turning Texas doesn't mean the GOP is ending, but it does give Democrats a big advantage with the big states. They have to maintain a broad coalition and not lose the upper midwest as well.
  12. The one I'll always quibble with is anyone who thinks the one from A New Hope is good. How it resolved is great and memorable, but hell no was it a good piece of action on screen. Empire's, though, with Vader fighting one-handed and performing Force moves that Luke wasn't prepared to handle told a great story. The Last Jedi's "battle" was also terrific in its story. The whole cinematography, the AT-AT shot, GAH, I love watching that.
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