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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. I hate anchor/reporters like that. "But at lot of people disagree with you." Not only does he not define how many and who, but the fucking reason the guy is on there is to get people out to vote and convince people on his perspective herp derp. "But people disagree," is so fucking useless. Just talk about the argument against the deal revolving around remaining in the Customs Union and why that's supposedly bad, and then ask the guy to respond.
  2. God, I hope cable news isn't going that stupid route. I don't watch enough of it to know. On a side note, this reminds me of Brit Hume in 2012 during the conventions. In one of Daily Show's infamous "Bullshit Mountain Fox News" segments, Brit Hume was like Paul Ryan: This is what he's brought to the campaign. You can sense his knowledge on the economy. You can sense his knowledge on unemployment. Detailed, he has a grasp of the issues. Bill Clinton: It was wonky. He gave so many numbers and policy figures that people simply aren't going to remember them. Which, on a side note, is what you're there for as a news guy: fact-checking the figures and talking to your viewers.
  3. The great thing is there's no rush imo to get behind a candidate currently. I have some favored ones now (been really impressed with Warren), but with a little under a year away from voting, I'm just going to see how they campaign, what they're offering throughout the year, how the debates shake up, etc. A lot of people I see ranking who they like so far, but I'm just like, hey, what's the rush? I get what you're saying about identity politics. I think it's impossible not to talk about it (civil rights are all about identity, and the economy disadvantages connected to many minorities are connected to things that have a racist past that don't seem racist now, systemic racism), but I post on Reset for example -- which isn't a progressive board as much as it is Democratic, if that makes sense -- and I've heard things like, "Man, Biden and Sanders are at the top, of course it would be old white guys," and, "I'd rather have a minority leading the pack than old white guys," and I go, "Yo, fellas, you do realize Sanders is Jewish and that's a minority, RIGHT? And that we've NEVER HAD A JEWISH PRESIDENT?" I saw a few Jewish board members go, "Yeah, seriously, why are we minorities when it suits some of you?" I'm pretty excited by how diverse the field is. We have several women, several black Americans (both men and women which hasn't happened until now), one Hispanic candidate, an openly gay candidate, a Hindu, a Jewish candidate (who's way better than freaking Lieberman), white men (who, some forget, are still an important demographic in the Democratic Party) and a Taiwanese candidate. It's honestly pretty damn cool. You'll be happy to know one of our best workers at my station was gay and received a well-deserved promotion to a bigger market. He was totally a leader behind-the-scenes, nice as can be, friends with much of the newsroom and appreciated by the whole crew. Also, hit me up some time. You can't be in Florida and hide from me.
  4. Could you stop avoiding why you're not outraged at Trump's favorite publication for saying Easter worshippers? He literally took the dude who ran it and put him in his circle after being elected. Or the Republican Times who had an op-ed about the term while forgetting that they've used the phrase? Or the fact that Trump didn't open up with Christians but instead made a weird typo? Do you not understand that the "left" that you're attacking are largely Christians?
  5. I dunno, yo. They're doing better than Trump and his pals at Breitbart did considering you're not a fan of Easter Worshippers as a term. Why are you not outraged there? Did you read about the Muslims who raised money for victims of the synagogue shooting last fall?
  6. Trump didn't mention Christians in his "138 million" tweet. Republican Washington Times called them Easter Worshippers. Extremist right-wing site Breitbart called them Easter Worshippers. Go get em.
  7. I truly believe Sanders cares deep down about the country and its direction. I figure if he were really driven by and for himself, he'd have picked an easier road to the White House than socialist mayor in Vermont while Vermont was Republican and then being in Congress until his 70s before running for president, you know? And I do think he's helping to shift the conversation as well. However, while I'm more to the left, I agree with you about Obama, and it's something I feel some on the left don't give him credit for. I'd agree with them that Warren or Sanders are more consistent, definitely. But we went from, "Don't pass the ACA!" to, "Okay, we'll keep just about everything it does but it's gotta go." Medicaid expansion is being passed in Republican states and Democrats actively campaign on it. Even Doug Jones in Ala-freaking-bama supports the ACA, which 9 - 10 years ago, that wouldn't have been possible during the debate leading up to its signing. The fact that we're discussing how to achieve universal health care (as you said), the types of Medicare-for-All (the original bill vs. opt-in vs. the amount of public v private insurance), is because the argument has fundamentally shifted.
  8. It's actually funny that this Breitbart faux-reporter: Didn't realize her own organization says it. Please stop with the fake outrage that you can't be consistent on kthx
  9. Brietbart: "Eight apparently co-ordinated explosions targeted Easter worshippers and high end hotels popular with international guests." The conservative Times: DAMN THEM
  10. I love listening to Warren talking about issues. The first time I ever heard her, she was on the Daily Show I think around 2009 talking about the economic collapse, the boom-and-bust economy prior to the New Deal, the legislation signed to stop bust cycles and the relatively mild recessions compared to the Great Depression and prior (since we had more frequent recessions for decades), and the way she explained it actually made it seem like there was not only a solution, but it was doable, both politically and putting it into action. I think Stewart said something like, "You are the first person I've spoken to who made me feel optimistic," or something to that effect. She's just a great wonk to listen to.
  11. UK/Japan/New Zealand/Australia are where GTS charted highest. In December 2018, it was announced that it had 7.5 million players online worldwide, and in the UK, it tripled the sales of Forza Motorsport 7 at launch. It's doing well and has a big community, definitely outside the US, more proof that we on the board don't matter at all in terms of sales.
  12. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2019/04/23/gt-sport-1-38-update-adds-five-new-cars/
  13. This reply, tho. I forget who it was in 2016 -- I think @SilentWorld or @legend maybe? -- but the same point was made: who's flip-flopping between candidates so much? How does approval change that much when so much is baked in? I've thought for a while that some people simply change their opinions based on events that others won't change their opinion on, which is probably part of it, and also that approval/disapproval doesn't necessarily mean your vote is what it is. He's taking a hit now, as he should, and maybe some of those people will be permanent. But it may be a thing where, "Okay, I disapprove of what he's doing on the government shutdown but I still like him overall, especially compared to the Democrats," so when the shutdown's over, they approve of him overall because he's "hurting the people he should be hurting." Which would explain why there's a baseline of around 41% for so long and it always reverts to that since around January of 2018.
  14. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/militia-leader-larry-hopkins-allegedly-told-fbi-they-were-training-to-assassinate-barack-obama-hillary-clinton I'm surprised since he looks like a wonderful person.
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