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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/militia-leader-larry-hopkins-allegedly-told-fbi-they-were-training-to-assassinate-barack-obama-hillary-clinton I'm surprised since he looks like a wonderful person.
  2. 538: Fox News Can’t Stop Talking About Bernie Sanders Klobuchar and Buttigieg are now trying to get in on the action at Fox since Sanders was heavily talked about after his town hall.
  3. Trump received no bump after Barr's "summary." His poll numbers have decreased since the redacted report. I could potentially see a drip-drip-drip from this with hearing from people such as McGahn and Mueller.
  4. I'm really excited for the game despite expectations that it won't be Horizon/God of War/Uncharted/Bloodborne levels of awesome. I think as long as my expectations are realistic, I'll have fun and really dig what Bend is doing. Side note: the people with early access to Dreams are blown the fuck away. Sony's going to have a great year.
  5. I find racist targeting and destruction of the black churches more important and should have gotten significantly more attention than they did, especially since burning a black church not only easily has a historical value in the US (and still somehow happens in the 21st century), but it was a targeted burning and arson from an officer's son as opposed to an accident where no one died. Cover Notre Dame for its historical value, but don't shortchange black people and and racist targeting of their churches when you do it.
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/two-more-states-are-dumping-christopher-columbus-to-celebrate-indigenous-people-instead/ar-BBWakjM?ocid=sf
  7. I get what @ByWatterson is saying, but I think it's being done in the wrong thread over the wrong story. This story is getting a lot of attention, as it should. But I do know it was a travesty that the Cathedral got the attention it did while the black church burnings committed by a racist arsonist received very little attention in the media. The fortunate news is the Notre Dame fire inspired others to donate to rebuild the black churches. I posted the thread on that. That's the main point I see him making: not that the board turns a blind eye toward these things, but the media attention is disproportionate. Anyway, I won't go too much into it ITT; it's a tragic story and, again, is getting quite a bit of coverage.
  8. I found it as fun as 2 at the time (I'm assuming the gameplay is comparable), but the difficulty setting explains a lot. I was able to beat 2 when I was a kid, but sometimes I couldn't beat 3's easy mode. It was seriously two years ago when I found out that there were other endings in 3; my whole life I thought it ended on a cliffhanger. MK2 was another sequel, even though most find it to be the best Genesis MK, whose difficulty just got out the fuck control. I bought a compilation of all the games several years ago, and I could beat normal in MK1, but every opponent past the first one or two knew wtf I was going to do before I did. I couldn't beat 2.
  9. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-sues-elijah-cummings-to-block-subpoenas-for-his-financial-information/
  10. I didn't know there was a huge difference. I never fully beat SoR3. My dumbass played on the easiest difficulty, and I was so young that I didn't realize the game was mocking me for playing on easy when I beat robot Mr. X, so I always assumed the game ended on a cliffhanger and a SoR4 would wrap things up.
  11. At this point, we should set this thread on fire as if it were the Notre Dame Cathedral. This terrorist group won't be little-known for much longer. I did find it weird that no one had yet claimed responsibility, so now it makes sense.
  12. Fortunately, HZD isn't super long. The base game and the DLC I can plat in 65 - 70 hours. It was actually shocking to me that Yakuza 0 was longer with no plat involved. Then again, the cabaret club was too fun to put down.
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