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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. I'll be the judge of when you were born
  2. With the polls as they are in Michigan, Sanders needs a polling error similar to 2016's, when he trailed by 20ish points but won by 1.5. Otherwise, Washington is his only possible win and it doesn't bode well into the following week. I'll still put my ballot in for Bernie in Florida, but no Michigan = not many options.
  3. Full video: Trump's unfortunately going to go after his stutter during this campaign if he wins, but the idea that he said that is wrong. Full quote: "We can only re-elect Donald Trump if, in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad here."
  4. I played Ruckus and it's a fun little game! Rampage-like, rack up your score as you destroy the city.
  5. "I stand with Bernie Sanders today because he stood with me. He never lost his taste of justice for the people. I stand with him because he stands with you."
  6. Hmm, I thought I read info showing it up in all demographics, but that's pretty cut and dry. Gonna have to some digging and figure out what I was reading.
  7. My girlfriend and I count it from our first date. We know we became exclusive a few months after that but neither of us remember the date.
  8. "When I ran for president in 1984 and 1988 I ran on a progressive agenda and platform of “Bold Leadership and a New Direction” that advocated a single-payer health care system and Bernie Sanders was one of only three major white politicians who endorsed me - Jim Hightower of Texas and Paul Wellstone of Minnesota were the other two. Bernie Sanders is running on a Medicare-for-All single-payer health care plan." "Joe Biden says Bernie Sander’s Medicare-for-All plan will cost $35 trillion over ten years for covering all Americans with a comprehensive and universal health care plan. The press has not demanded the cost of Biden’s program of reforming the ACA or saying how many Americans will be left without health insurance under Biden’s reform plan. The current number without health insurance under the ACA is 28 million with over 60 million more underinsured. We’re currently spending $4 trillion annually and the last time I checked $4 trillion-times-10-years equals $40 trillion minimum for Biden’s plan, assuming no cost increases under Biden’s essentially continuing private insurance dominated ACA plan. That’s why Sander’s says Biden’s plan will actually cost $50 trillion over 10-years." "Joe Biden can defeat Donald Trump, but he does have a not-so-proud record of dealing with the desegregation of public schools in Delaware. Bernie Sanders has the best history and the best record of fighting for equal rights, civil and human rights both at home and abroad." "Joe Biden can defeat Donald Trump, but the two Democratic moderate candidates who most recently dropped out and endorsed him had their own negative racial records and racial problems in their home states of Indiana and Minnesota." "When Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg and all the other Democrats came out in support of the more moderate Joe Biden after his South Carolina victory, they didn’t do it so much to support Joe Biden, or they would have done it earlier. They did it to stop the progressive politics of Bernie Sanders and stopping progressive politics has never been in the interests of black, brown, red, poor people, workers or the middle class."
  9. I wonder if this younger influx of progressives of color will be who takes the mantle in the future, garnering support from all corners like Obama.
  10. No time this weekend, but I would like to. Might have more time with the lady later this week.
  11. I didn't mash square much? Not that you're not going to use that button a lot, but sometimes it was better to switch characters so they could stun an enemy, for example, since simply pressing square worth my current one wouldn't do anything. And they implement the menu combat pretty well with the action combat. I didn't even get good at parrying, but my friend said that's essential to maximizing ATB.
  12. Youth vote has been up? I thought all age demos were. Most black voters my age don't want Biden at all. Warren, Kamala, Bernie, those have been the candidates I've seem the most passionate support for.
  13. Ana has a tendency to double down when wrong/posting fake news, heyyou style. An epic showdown between RSF and Ana would be blockbuster entertainment.
  14. I think it's already been confirmed that there are summons in part 1 since they've been shown in trailers.
  15. Really sorry about that. I didn't even think about how cool a surprise that would be.
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