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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-sent-anti-muslim-tweets-political-candidate-who-then-helped-n1154581?
  2. Remember the days with no COVID-19 and the days when Sony didn't choose not to go because they didn't need to? Those were good days.
  3. So Italy is on lockdown, Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy aren't doing live audiences indefinitely, E3 is likely (all but confirmed?) cancelled, GDC was postponed due to most companies canceling their appearances, Ireland canceled St. Paddy's Day parades, cruise ships are being quarantined, congresspeople are self-quarantining, stocks are plummeting, investors are panicking, some representatives are telling their state health department to stop controlling the narrative of the local departments, oil prices are tumbling, the travel industry is taking a hit, mclumber1 just posted that the NY Auto Show is canceled/delayed, and governors in both parties are doing press conferences and continuing to talk to journalists about their plans for dealing with COVID-19. This is why people blaming the media for overhyping it confuse me. Isn't it hard not to cover all of this?
  4. Any other candidate could. But their ideas are fluid, ideologies ever-changing, so they have no concessions to win. Besides jobs in the administration, anyway, which many of them get.
  5. Democrats’ path to the White House runs through places like Michigan’s Macomb County, where a Republican mayor has ditched Donald Trump for Joe Biden
  6. He honestly sounds disappointed. His arguments are totally Bernie and talks about Bernie being an inspiration for him in 2016, but Biden's the guy and he's ready for the general.
  7. Considering they made sure Democrats didn't run against him when he ran in 2006 for Senate, and leadership endorsed him and Obama campaigned for him, and they've gotten a Democratic caucus voter with him, you may want to rethink this argument.
  8. Signs are right now that Sanders will still participate in the debate on Sunday. However, considering how quickly, "We're moving onto Florida," went to, "I'm dropping out," for Bloomberg, I'll give it a day or two.
  9. I think if 1988 Jesse Jackson ran this year, he could have won. It'd be nice if M4A shifting the conversation makes a public option more palpable in Congress. If Biden wins, tackles this and starts to compromise before heading to the table again -- the connections in Congress that lumber is touting of his -- then I guess our insurance will have to suck a while longer.
  10. I don't mind saying that if Sanders loses bad tonight, he should drop out. I disagree, but at that point, voters are speaking pretty damn loud that they want to focus on the general election now.
  11. My g/f was wondering what this gif was, and I skipped it after the first few seconds the first time. But omg, I'm upset I didn't see the ending to this the first time.
  12. My favorite part about this: people who go, "I hate that Bernie yells so much!" being mum or really enjoying this video or the number of other ones where Biden yells a lot. Bottom tweet made me optimistic, though:
  13. It doesn't have to be, but I think it is, and the problems I see run deeper than one primary. I highlighted all the reasons already so need to go down that well for now, but that's why I think he's problematic and Bernie is better.
  14. I understand and I respect your opinion. And believe me, I'm not just saying it to save face: I want to be wrong so bad if nothing else than the census and the Supreme Court. Like I want to be here on election night, and I want to quote my own March posts here talking about the problems with Biden and go, "Haha, this nitwitted shitforbrains's post didn't age well what a loser," and then I want @SFLUFAN to change my name to HerpyMcDerpington and never change it back as the final name change
  15. I think they are, yes, just as they think I am. Bernie's Rust Belt appeal went further than wins in Michigan and Wisconsin as it wasn't a uniform win there (Hillary won some of those states as well). For me, I think a lot of people just want to get on with the general since they know Trump isn't an easy target this time, they're unsure about Bernie, so they're consolidating around Biden. At least a significant amount is based on what I'm seeing. Or maybe Biden is better than I think, but so far, he shows plenty of signs of what hasn't worked for Democrats before. My hope is Biden is better at connecting with voters than Hillary and that his favorability pushes him over so we can get more state legislatures and governors' mansions for the census, but I'd be mistaken not to see the same things that haven't worked before repeating this year. Except I did. You did go for a one-liner, and let's not pretend you haven't gotten unnecessarily frazzled over movie discussions. At least I'm in the ballpark right now!
  16. Because people in politics get what a platform is and you seem to just like drive-by one-liners at me. If it makes you feel better, replace real platform with real, tangible, coherent platform, and act like you're not talking to a room full of morons.
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