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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-now/games/ Other recent additions: Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Control, Overcooked 2, PUBG, The Evil Within, Cities Skylines, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
  2. I played the freebie (think it's called 'Not a Hero'), and it's quite good, actually!
  3. You definitely notice the difference more when you're using a PS3 and then you use a 360 controller. But damned if I don't really love the DS4. At the beginning of the gen, I was playing way more cross-gen just because there was still a lot I needed to play from last gen, and going from a PS4 to a PS3 controller was jarring, too. Sometimes I'd just plug the DS4 into the PS3, which allowed me to use it, for maximum comfort.
  4. https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/northam-fulfills-promise-to-sign-gun-control-bills-into-law/ Last time they tried, Republicans had power: But now that Democrats have a trifecta: We still need national action.
  5. Glad people are digging into the numbers. It's true that it's not 1:1, but we do have some history of viral pandemics, and thinking short-term about what it's doing to the economy doesn't help us as to what a muted response will do long-term.
  6. In the latest Monmouth poll, Biden and Trump are tied with young voters. 18-34: 44% Biden 44% Trump 35-54: 49% Biden 41% Trump 55+: Biden: 49% Trump: 46% With the coronavirus pandemic playing out, it's hard to say what we're going to look like in a few months.... or even one month from now. But the fact that Biden is leading because he's leading with middle-aged and older voters in this poll was quite a thing to read. At the same time, this was taken before Bernie dropped out, so consolidation around the candidate hasn't happened (Hillary got a bump after she was clearly the nominee in June). And the coronavirus is really sucking up all news cycles.
  7. The only console I ever got at launch was the PS4, and for that, it was actually a surprise Christmas gift, so it wasn't right at launch. I got Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and bought Resogun as well. Resogun was and is such a gem. Black Flag was a lot of fun, but it was only a sliver of what was to come this gen.
  8. Thanks for that. Every time I see the number of cases by state, I think, "Geez, what did NY do?" but if the amount of testing correlates to the high amount of cases, then good on them for getting it done.
  9. 11 Governorships Are Up For Grabs In 2020. Here’s What’s Happening. West Virginia's governor was elected as a Democrat in 2016 and switched to being a Republican in 2017. He made headlines when he was still a Democrat for using actual bullshit as a prop before he vetoed the Republicans' budget. His approval rating is mediocre:
  10. Whoops, that's what I meant. Each change was minor until the DS4, which was the first major change in the controller (Share button, wider, not as light as the DS2, better triggers, buttons that feel more responsive, headphone jack, different analog sticks that felt better to move, touchpad that offers several new methods of input). And since the weird issue with the peeling analog sticks has been rectified for years, the DS4 ranks up there as one of my favorites along with the Xbox One controller (which I wasn't as big on compared to the 360's but now like a lot better).
  11. Revised coronavirus model predicts fewer deaths, but tens of thousands in US still expected to die by August Infect me if old. I had 10 pages to catch up on so I skimmed.
  12. People who lose tend to have inferior campaigns, yes. Hers was spectacularly terrible despite the Alicia Machado surprise. Hopefully, Biden learned from her limitless mistakes. Most Senate candidates aren't getting more votes than the president, so I doubly don't get the point lol Every Senate candidate who won in their state also saw their party's presidential candidate win that state in 2016.
  13. The evolution: It's like everything was a minor change until the DS4. Two gens in a row with significant changes to the controller. I mean, I guess DS3 was the DS2 but wireless and lighter (and mushy triggers).
  14. There are many types of fist fighting, but honestly, I view it as part beat-em-up, part cabaret because the cabaret side game is addictive as all hell.
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