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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. You'd think. Doesn't really happen as much anymore, if at all. Like, I know Brick's legit.
  2. Concern trolls, I think most of them aren't here anymore. Couldn't make a single Santa Monica thread, even positive ones, without "concern" about the layoffs and the fall of the studio. They always show up for negative Sony news claiming that they're just asking questions. It's weird.
  3. Concern trolls, mostly. But basically, despite good hands-on impressions and a great looking world, Killzone, therefore probably not that good.
  4. We ended up selling the Saturn and got a Playstation, but I remember enjoying it at the time and being amazed at the graphics. I think we only had five games? Three were definitely a pack-in. Virtua Cop Virtua Fighter 2 Daytona USA WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game NiGHTS Into Dreams
  5. I liked Infamous a lot, but putting that aside, I see nothing that makes me nervous. When it came to Horizon, I was told, "Killzone so it's not gonna be good." Naughty Dog didn't do anything I was enamored with (as much fun as Crash was) until Uncharted/Last of Us. Santa Monica had low morale for much of the 2010s after GOW: Ascension and some here hyped the layoffs there to the moon. I loved, absolutely loved, Days Gone even though I was told it can't be good because Sony Bend or something. And I was also told that Death Stranding was just going to be walking, and it ended up being a captivating and amazingly unique experience, one of the most unique I've played in quite some time. Tsushima looks like an ambitious, beautiful game, and I hope it delivers. Sucker Punch is a talented studio.
  6. I saw #pissdrinkingnazi trending and was delighted to see why. His pranks really sucked. Years ago, I saw one where he blocked someone's car door in with his car, and initially, I thought he'd let the guy in on the joke before too long, but then they just started to poke at the guy being "pranked," and then lay on his car IIRC. I was watching thinking, "Dude, this isn't a prank anymore. You're just being a dick to someone you don't know." So the fact that he pissed in his own mouth seemed right.
  7. I didn't expect him to go into the stance he did when this video started. The guy who posted it said this about the shirtless man on his Twitter account: Yes the guy who was shirtless deserved it. He started it. Before this he was yelling at glasses guy calling him every racial slur too, shirtless man threw the first swing as well. And literally anytime I’ve ever talked to him he always says disgusting things towards women. The reason this ass whooping was dished was because he joked about “oh I could just hog tie her up” Here's another angle:
  8. "Mr. Steinbrenner's here. George is dead. Call me back."
  9. Gonna read this later, but I feel Biden is doing a lot of things to placate progressives since winning the nomination. Least that's how I feel. And I like it. Kamala Harris did something similar. Make your position on marijuana good and that'd be a great next step!
  10. I'm getting post-game stuff -- did all of Corneo's stuff and now doing the simulator to get the things (being purposefully vague) you can't get on the first playthrough. You know what I found out? I artificially made this game harder for myself. Apparently, the Colosseum had side stuff you could do, and you could get level 2 limit breaks and extra SP. When I returned to do a mission there on my first runthrough, it asked if I wanted to do a special fight or a free match, so in my head, I thought, "Oh, so there's nothing like the battle arena or anything to get cool prizes; it's just some free matches," and never attempted to do the other fights because I didn't know there were any. Aerith's level 2 limit break would have came in fucking handy for many of the late game fights. As would all the others, but especially hers. And the extra SP would have been a nice bonus.
  11. We saw Elaine's dad, and he was never shown again because the actor behind him was a kook behind the scenes. This is from Wiki, the source being the DVDs: "The Seinfeld cast recalls that he was difficult and scary to work with, specifically recalling a moment when he attempted to steal a real knife from the kitchen set in Jerry's apartment. He could have been a recurring character, but they were afraid to have him back." We saw Kramer's mom. Jerry's parents I think were underrated just because the Costanzas light up the screen, but fuck, they were hilarious too. I loved how the set of parents didn't like the other.
  12. The last time I watched Seinfeld was either last year or 2018, and I know I wondered then who would be the next "parent" to go. Mr. Seinfeld went a long while ago, but Mrs. Seinfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Costanza were getting up there. I feel like the original dads for Jerry and George went a long time ago.
  13. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/jerry-stiller-actor-and-comedian-dies-at-92-1234603183/
  14. Just beat it. Phew, wild. I think the end game is a little too long. At a certain point at As far as the ending,
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