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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. No character arcs were completed as far as I know in the original game by that point in the story. This game functions as one that actually completes them so there is progression from the beginning to the end. So of course a full story was just told. We already understand that you’re not getting the same story, so you’re still not going to get the first game’s story by the end of the series. You’re going to get how much longer story where many things completely different happen. Also I just played the original a couple years ago and I definitely beat all the optional bosses and everything in less time than this game. I’d have to double check to be sure since many of those hours on the original we’re just grinding.
  2. They could raise the level caps as they would MMORPGs. I’m actually curious as to how long this next one will take because now they have to battle system down, and they have plenty of character themes already finished and orchestrated, so they don’t have to start from scratch on a lot of this anymore.
  3. I played the original Diablo on the first PlayStation, and played Diablo 2 on PC, and I enjoyed both. I totally get the inventory system comment, though.
  4. If the game had that kind of cliffhanger, had materia that only leveled up maybe once or you just didn’t get a lot of materia at all just like in the first game by the end of Midgar, then maybe I could buy the incomplete thing. But it’s simply not true. You are playing a full game with plenty of leveling, plenty of spells, a ton of bosses, a full-fledged soundtrack that is hours and hours bigger than the original, character arcs, and an end.
  5. I was tempted several times to get a PS4 Pro but held out, figuring at least my PS4 could play just about everything fine and that there was nothing I had played that performed so poorly that it detracted from the experience. I'm actually amazed at how it worked out because Control is a game I heard performed mediocre on last gen platforms, and now here's Control on PS+! I don't think I would have regretted getting a Pro, but I definitely don't feel like I was shafted, either. Good for @Joe
  6. I figured. I think what sucks is it'll be exciting once this passes because there's a lot of good in this thing, but because it won't take effect until late March, it wouldn't matter if they passed and signed it today AFAIK.
  7. Came to post this. Here's the story: Six Capitol police officers suspended for alleged actions during riot WWW.NBCNEWS.COM Another 29 are under investigation following last month's deadly attack, Capitol police spokesman John Stolnis said.
  8. They’re going to continue unless it’s stopped. Until then, we’ve seen a substantial drop since two decades ago, and it’s been a combination of government and changes in consumption.
  9. I mean, it's going to this year simply because travel will go up as more people worldwide are vaccinated. However, considering this started with Obama and not Trump, I wouldn't expect for us to reverse the trend that started in 09.
  10. U.S. rejoins Paris climate agreement. Now comes the daunting part. WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The Biden administration seeks to show seriousness of purpose to meet its emissions-cutting commitments and restore the U.S.'s diminished standing on the world stage.
  11. Dole and Clinton debating the age issue. Dole looks like a million bucks compared to now.
  12. Sweet, that means Donald could live for another 20ish years!
  13. I'm surprised so many here thought he was dead. Weren't we talking about him during the 2020 election when he was talking about the debate commission possibly being biased against the former prez?
  14. Bob Dole diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer WWW.TODAY.COM Dole, 97, said he'd begin treatment next week.
  15. Why would he primary him? I mean setting aside Joe Kennedy III levels of impatience, what would his pitch be to unseat Cruz?
  16. Thanks, as well. Ain't no way did I want to share anything unless it was actually what happened. I don't even know who this guy is on Twitter, but him saying, "Yeah, it seemed like a conspiracy, even as Shuster 'confirmed' it," was exactly what went through my mind. "Okay, he "confirmed" it, but he could be jumping the gun. I'm sure some reporters are looking into it."
  17. I've been avoiding sharing things with my friends because I don't want to get caught up in actual fake news, but this is getting picked up by mainstream outlets now.
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