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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. So one of the coolest things that happened to me last year was meeting him backstage. I interviewed him and he told me he liked the interview and asked me to come backstage after the show when he was in town. And for months between the interview and him actually being there, I wondered if he would actually remember that he said that, and sure enough, I had will call tickets waiting for me and my better half. He was so great. I was honestly worried that maybe he would be worse than I thought, you know, never meet your heroes. But he was great and I’ll never forget that moment and then night. So, if you like him, rest assured that you’re not liking somebody who secretly terrible. 😎 edit: actually, on that note, my favorite moment was when we were going to take pictures at the end. I took a picture with him by myself, and then I wanted to take a picture of my girlfriend, me and him. So we both had asked him to stand in the middle, and he looked at my girlfriend and tells her no you should probably go in the middle. She’s like are you sure? He goes, “Yeah you’re the best looking one of three of us. Me and him, well fuck.”
  2. Lewis Black to retire from touring : News 2023 : Chortle : The UK Comedy Guide WWW.CHORTLE.CO.UK Lewis Black to retire from touring - US comic, 75, has been performing up to 200 shows a year I've been to six of his shows and was able to meet him backstage last year via invitation (which I still can't believe). I loved him as a comic, but meeting him and finding out he was still great was a relief since "never meet your heroes." Gonna miss him touring, but I kind of figured he was going to finish soon. His last special was really really good, and it's available or free on Youtube.
  3. Hasn't the Democratic Party always been supportive of Israel? Israel is considered an ally same as any other ally, I always thought. I'm supportive of a ceasefire in the Middle East considering the difference in lives lost between the original terrorist attack and the response since then; many innocent Palestinian civilans are dead now and didn't have to be by many times the number of innocent Israeali who died and didn't have to. And I've been reading there's been progress in that direction. But I don't know if I'd be on-board with not supporting Israel after the Hamas attack considering it was a terrorist attack through and through. I have Jewish friends who are pro-Israel who were also pro-Black Lives Matter and they were stunned and outraged with BLM Chicago posted the pro-Hamas picture with the people parachuting in.
  4. Looks like the Democrats wins the state Supreme Court seat in PA. Dems have a 5-2 majority.
  5. I wish this were an exaggeration, but I felt this way while watching! Maybe people needed a kick in the ass as to what not voting/caring actually does.
  6. CNN calls it for approving marijuana in Ohio.
  7. Democrats flipped two city council seats in Venice Florida, a Republican area.
  8. Also democrats are winning both council races currently in Venice, a Republican area, one by a lot. Still seven more precincts though.
  9. I saw a woman on a motorcycle with a Kennedy 2024 shirt. It was quite the sight.
  10. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds to endorse Ron DeSantis for president WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The governor’s support could lift DeSantis’ campaign ahead of the first-in-the-nation caucuses in Iowa, where he trails Donald Trump in the polls.
  11. It will never be ruined by others, darn it! It was a great name for two good movies that came out on the same day, and I’ll be damned if someone else screws it up.
  12. I like this article a lot and it's the level-headed response we should be looking at. I know, considering the person who's likely to be the GOP nominee, that the ramifications of another Trump presidency are huge, so it's not the easiest thing for Dems and Dem-leaners to just calmly process things, and I know the temptation is, "HE TRIED TO VIOLENTLY OVERTURN THE ELECTION DID WE FORGET THIS?!" But the best thing to do is to point to positives about Biden over negatives about Trump. I feel if we're pointing to Biden's accomplishments as Trump is mired in his criminal behavior (which will do all the talking), that's likely the best way to go about it. In 2016, I don't know about the rest of you, but I kept hoping after the Comey letter on Oct. 28 that something big would be released about Trump which would reverse the drop in Hillary's poll numbers after that. But what should have been happening is a long, positive campaign to convince people who already thought Trump was horrible that Hillary was also a worthwhile vote. I think there was SOME of that in Hillary's campaign, but most of her ads were making Trump unelectable rather than increasing her favorables. My gf's never been big on Biden but voted for him in 2020 and, while she's still not a huge fan, will easily vote for him over Trump in 2024. Those are the folks we need to be in contact with, and as hard as it can be for us, we need to be reasonable with our friends/family in this position instead of exasperated that the election is even close. There's a whole year to go. For now, if you're not in my position (media so I can't do anything politically), go volunteer to register voters! The only people who can vote are people who are registered (unless your state is cool with same-day registration), and so that's a finite pool of people. Expand the pool so if you're advantaged but underperform, you can still win. If you're disadvantaged and underperform, well... then you're Florida in 2022.
  13. I love this time of the years. Extra hour of sleep. Christmas lights on earlier in the day because of the early sunset. Cools earlier. Hurricane season close to over.
  14. I'm not upvoting for the Trump prediction, though to not stress myself out, I just view 2024 as a tossup so each poll and change in polling doesn't affect me. There's nothing to suggest either party has a lock, so I'm expecting a close election either way. The main thing I tell stressed Democrats is to try to volunteer to register voters, which is crucially important to increasing the pool of voters you can try to get to vote for obvious reasons (but reasons I think people undervalue). 2024 I view as important as 2020 because this old orange man doesn't want to let go of power once he gets it, and there needs to be a wholesale rejection of his ass. I do think Biden has been underrated in what he's done -- he arguably did the max of what he could do the first two years given the paper-thin majorities in Congress -- and sometimes I feel even if he got paid leave and universal pre-k (two things I was really hoping would survive in 2021) signed into law, inflation would be overriding those, especially since they would have taken a while to implement. I wish people saw more that inflation is lower in the U.S. than other countries and we got our economy roaring quicker than other countries affected by COVID once the vaccines came out. It probably would have been easier had Dems kept the House majority and he could get more passed by Congress, which they were close to doing in 2022.
  15. I can’t find anything that says he railed against lgbtq, and neither could the Daily Beast. Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing WWW.THEDAILYBEAST.COM Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life. It has been shown that the publication which outed him did so after being asked not to and is a conservative site. He’s also gotten praise from Doug Jones and the local Democratic Party. I’ve no idea what his politics were outside of being a registered Republican to say if he was a hypocrite or not, but it didn’t appear that he was a culture warrior. This really makes me wonder about the outlet which outed him over his objections.
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