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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Just finished Live to Hunt, Hunt to Live. Continuing to be impressed by the set pieces in this game. I liked the story in the previous two games well enough, but this one has me intrigued the whole way.
  2. I knew Venom was in this game and that's it, and that was given away at the end of the first game, so everything is a surprise to me
  3. See, this is one of a number of reasons this game is blowing my mind. I do a simple mission involving rescuing firefighters with "Where Have You Been?" only to Also, this was another mission that seemed to work off of stuff they learned in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. I felt using the spider-bot felt a lot like using the virus bot in Rift.
  4. Part of many things I love about the climax: Luke was badass and didn’t hurt a single soul. His most badass moment in episode 6 was throwing away his saber. His most badass moment in 8 is getting dirt off his shoulder. Or “See ya round kid” as if he’s Kylo’s dad.
  5. Their personalities involve existing. Course, my favorite isn't even Duel of the Fates; my favorite is Yoda vs Palpatine, which has the song anyway but also has Palpatine literally tearing the Senate apart before tearing it apart in 4 figuratively.
  6. Nah, I could tell the directors had a lot of passion in 7 and 8 for what they were doing. Many of the flaws of the prequels were fixed in 7, and the story did well to honor the past but also move on from it in 8. TROS is pretty much fan faction, though I hear the actual movie of Duel of the Fates was good.
  7. It's why I've maintained the prequels could have been better than the original movies due to the story being told, but the story being told vs. how it was told are totally different. As it stands, I love 4-8 as movies and Star Wars and all of that. I appreciate the political intrigue in episodes 2 and 3 (even though 2 was a terrible movie) and the overarching story of the downfall of the Republic, and I do like the acting and actors' energy in 9 even though the script and direction brought the whole package down.
  8. Board hasn't even been Current Events for a while; it's just part of the descriptor now.
  9. Quality aside, I thought that was just about what the PT was about. In fact, the recent seven years have convinced me that some deformed fuck calling for the end of democracy really would be met with applause.
  10. Our reaction after it ended. Me: Well.... that was a movie. Friend: I guess things happened?
  11. Would be arguably the best of the 20th century of not for Vietnam. but it’s hard to downplay the positive ramifications of the great society decades later.
  12. Finn is only underdeveloped because of TROS. He gets two films worth of an arc and could have had a well formed conclusion had Duel of the Fates Ben the ending. By the end of TFA, he’s fully detached from The First Order and goes to rescue Rey. He admits at the end he only went to Starkiller Base for Rey. By the end of TLJ, he goes from just caring about Rey to calling himself a rebel, fully committing to the cause. DotF would have further explored his past connections to the First Order. Wish it did.
  13. good post, and I think to summarize, the subversion of expectations isn’t just in subverting Star Wars expectations, but also typical movie trope expectations. It’s also a good reminder that the Obi-Wan and Darth Vader fight in the very first movie is memorable despite not being well choreographed, because of the characters and the fate of Obi-Wan at the end of it. I find the final quote fight” in the Last Jedi memorable for a similar reason, although I happen to love the choreography since it’s a well shot film.
  14. So I've been thinking. I haven't played most of the great games this year (played RE4 and Zelda, for example, but haven't played SF6, Diablo 4, Octopath Traveler II, Baldur's Gate 3, etc.). But my feeling from most of the more hardcore gamer boards has been that many were looking forward to SM2 but not expecting it to be GOTY-caliber. Mostly a really fun, more refined, improved experience over the first. But I have to say -- with the caveat that I'm not THAT far into the game -- that the improvements have been exceptional to the overall experience. This may be up there for me as well, and maybe it was a sign that the long-form demo in the State of Play impressed me more than I thought it was going to.
  15. The L1+ and R1+ moves really add a lot to the flow of battle. The better you get at it -- in my case, not accidentally trying an R1 move when I was going for L1 -- the more you feel you can handle all the enemy types so far. And I've barely gotten into the skill trees yet. Which is another thing: I think so far there's a more promising loop with the different things you can upgrade and how you upgrade them. It's also cool when the other Spidey helps you on crime missions.
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