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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Pasteles. Find a good restaurant and get the full course of arroz con gandules with some pork shoulder along with a nice pasteles. For something you'd be more familiar with. They're most similar to a Mexican tamale, but instead of the it mostly being made of ground corn, it's grated green banana or plantain. Also, there is a restaurant and a hotel that argue they invented the piña colada. Don't pick sides. That said, the outdoor bar at Barrachina in Old San Juan is quite nice. Then again, I'm more of an small town tourist when I'm on vacation, than huge fancy bar in giant hotel.
  2. Individual, human-controlled drones are. Small drones that don't do anything but fly a predetermined path are. It's gets more complicated once you need a drone that can navigate on its own, avoiding new obstacles its never seen, or even an unexpected human. You don't want your done accidentally flying into somebody's face, so it can't function like a robot vacuum. It needs to have something like LIDAR or some other advanced 3D optical recognition. That doesn't address the fact that a lot of these industrial applications for robots often look for something extra that people can't do, like infrared or even gas detection vision. That extra stuff is more reasonable when you're looking at one robot with one charging station. The second you're looking at an army of robots with charging stations in every room, it becomes that much more of a thing you have to support. There's a difference between building the infrastructure to support a drone army and finding one corner of your building where you can drop a charging station for a ground-based robot.
  3. Power to weight ratio isn't ever going to really fall on the side of drones here. Big drones, in a warehouse with greased up doors, sure, but random everyday doors that night stick a little? No.. Even with future batteries and future propulsion, you'd be kicking up so much air and dust and papers to pull a door open that I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. Only way drones work here is that they get so cheap and efficient that you don't even need to open doors, just stick one everywhere in every room. Optics and compute are what holds you back here. You need to get to the point where all the optics and compute for twenty drones is cheaper than a single set of optics and processing on a single ground robot.
  4. It also really doesn't matter for these title characters. The comics contain so many people that carry the mantles that it doesn't really make sense to get hung up on one version of a lead character. You can drop Iron Man and there's still Iron Heart, Iron Lad, and all the members of Iron Legion. Then, 20/30 years from now, you could always pull another Tony out of the multiverse...if you must. If you're already going to have audience deal with the recasting of a title character, may as well also explore one of the thousand other iterations of that character. Hell, MJ was Iron Spider at one point. Let's see Zendaya flip some trucks. That's completely different to side characters like Shuri or Cassie Lang. Until they're carrying the entire film as its namesake, their actors don't really matter. If Marvel wanted to bring in Iron Lad, nobody's going to bat an eye if Ty Simpkins doesn't get the role. I mean, Ty Simpkins will notice, but nobody else is really going to care that much. And now I'm imagining Ty is a lurker on these board and he's really all depressed now. Sorry.
  5. I should probably point out that there are plenty of tracked robots that can navigate stairs with ease. The idea that you need legs to get up and down stairs or navigate environments designed for people hasn't really been true for decades now.
  6. That's why, when they can, they try to pump out seasons as quickly as possible. When Voltron was a surprise hit for them, they wound up pumping out eight seasons in TWO, TWO fucking years. They know that their binge models leads to fast death, so they try to ride that high as much as they can before they dump and move into something else. Netflix basically lives on viral hits and inexpensive TV. Cowboy Bebop, I think, would have faired better with a bit more space. Squid Game would have eaten all forms of social media for months with extra space. Instead, they're perfectly ok with even they're biggest hits being nothing more than a flash in the pan. I don't think they realize how much this is going to hurt them in the future, similar to how people are very scared of trusting Google with Stadia. I never even finished Cowboy Bebop because I didn't have the time to, but I would have. I doubt I will now, though.
  7. Netflix brings shows back based on their perceived ROI. That means sci-fi like Cowboy Bebop is already at a disadvantage compared to documentaries, reality TV/game shows, and foreign language license deals. Teenage Bounty Hunters and Dark Crystal were both cancelled after a single season. That is in spite of rave reviews from critics and fans alike. At this point in time, I just don't trust anything Netflix with even a moderate budget outside of stand alone films. I doubt I'll continue watching The Witcher for this reason. The problem with Netflix is that even if a series goes for a few seasons, it can still end like Glow where it randomly gets cancelled out of nowhere leaving fans and plot threads up in the air.
  8. QD is a toxic company that's hostile to anyone that isn't a straight, white dude led by a man child that publicly talks like a spoiled 12yo tough guy chatting your ear off in CoD. That shit should never be tolerated and especially not for a company that makes glorified visual novels its esteemed leader thinks are high art.
  9. It would be so easy for some Chinese companies to come in, throw a ton of yuan at the problem and just take over the industry. What? They're already doing that? Cool.
  10. That's because the cast was doing the whole media circuit boosting the show within the last ten days.
  11. That's literally all they're really good for these days. Along with the foreign-language stuff they can't cancel on a whim, they'll pump out seasons of animated shows like nobody's business and release some legitimately great animated movies. I really think series like Cowboy Bebop would have done better on a weekly release schedule. Instead, the just sxpect folks to binge the series and then cancel them when people don't do that within a few weeks.
  12. I have a hard time explaining how much she loved their rum punch, which was basically nothing more than tropical fruit punch Capri Sun with rum. All the warnings that this is not a drink for children on them it's wildly on point, though.
  13. Netflix is run by algorithms. There was a big drop from week one to week two combined with poor reviews along with the high budget, so ROI for them was awful. Internal metrics will say that this was the right call since viewership will continue to tank. Does it matter that it'll tank even more due to this public announcement? Nope.
  14. Simple tips for people visiting with no real plan in mind. Old San Juan is gorgeous, but don't miss out on Vieques even if it's a bit of a trip. Unless global warming has ruined it, you should get a lovely show on the beaches there this time of the year. If you need to chill and want to get away from the bigger crowds on some of the more popular beaches, check out the "not as nice" beaches in eastern Santurce. It's close enough to the night life of San Juan, but far enough away that's it's not normally flooded with tourists. I say that with the caveat of, I never go down to PR this time of the year so maybe it's is flooded with tourists right now. I've just never seen it. It's still a beach in PR with 80F ocean temps you just want to float away in. The food is amazing, so eat everything. Also, if you ever want to get drunk in shitty liquor, Gasolina is my wife's guilty pleasure. Think of them as adult Capri Suns, only with twice the alcohol of a beer. We haven't been in years, but our last time there she made me buy like 10 cases to bring back home since it's nearly impossible to find in the States.
  15. She's like Paul Rudd. They've both been in their thirties for the last thirty years.
  16. Is this an UE game? I swear this looks like one of those fan-made games for what an UE Sonic game would look like.
  17. I really wanted to play It Takes Two with my wife, but then she saw a particular scene online and swore it off forever.
  18. Nice looking game that I'm never going to touch. If through some wild miracle it wound up being great because Disney sent over some Star Wars folks then maybe I'll torrent it if it's not on Game Pass. Quantic Dream isn't getting any of my money.
  19. As would I have. I'm pretty much to the point where I'm likely to avoid most of they're series unless their a single season one off or they already have a few seasons under their belt. Even then, their propensity to just be fine with leaving a multi-season series on an open end doesn't help.
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